Part 9

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Taehyung’s Pov

I saw my Y/N crying on my arms. Yes, I wanted her to embrace me but not like this. She has been wronged. I felt my heart was tearing apart seeing her crying like this. She has never been this weak. I have never seen her in this state. She needs me now. no matter how much I try to hate her, I can’t deny my heart, which is still beating for her. I am feeling that I am holding my whole world on my arms. I am feeling, I am living again.

Taehyung: shhhhh…I am here

I said as calmly as I could. She cried more on my arms. I felt my tears also started falling. I saw her arms were red and it had his finger marks. She might be feeling so scared and disgusted that time. Jisoo was seeing this from afar. But now my priority is Y/N and none. I didn’t care people’s gaze and assumptions. I don’t care what they think about us now. I carried her bridal style and walked out of there as.

Everyone’s gaze was on us. I made her sit on my car. No one dared to stop me. I also went to the driving seat and started driving. She was still holding my one hand tightly. Her whole body was slightly trembling. It seems she is in trauma of what happened today. I noticed and stopped the car after driving a while. I looked at her, she was looking outside the window.
She noticed that I stopped the car. so she looked at me with her swollen eyes in confusion. I gestured her to come to me by spreading my arms. She quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and sat on my lap resting her head on my chest. I could hear her heart beats which were beating fast. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders securing what’s mine, trying to give her all the comfort and warmth of mine. Trying to shower her with all the love I have in my heart for her. A tear escaped my eye. I kissed her forehead slowly.

Y/N: Taehyung….he..touch…

Taehyung: I know I know….now
shhhh… we are going home hmm?

She nodded and was about to get up but I said,

Taehyung: stay

She nodded slowly and kept hugging me the whole ride. I also need her. we reached there after a while and I noticed she already was asleep on my embrace. I carried her in a bridal style and went to my bedroom. I lay her on the bed and slide a few hair strands from her face. She looks really pale and her face was swollen also. I was about to get up to arrange her clothes and foods. But she held my wrist and said,

Y/N: Please don’t leave me.

Her pleading voice broke me internally. I nodded and kissed her forehead, trying to portrait my indescribable love as I said

Taehyung: I am not going anywhere…let me get you some clothes hmm?

She nodded and left my hand. I went to the closet and pulled my oversized t-shirt and trouser as I went to her. I then took a wet towel with me and a first aid box along with me to her. she was sitting on the bed burring her face on her palm. I went to her and she backed away getting scared

Taehyung: it’s me Taehyung…

She looked at me slowly

Y/N: don’t touch me…I am dirty
Taehyung…That man touched me with bad intensions..

My heart got ripped hearing this from her mouth. She isn’t dirty. She was the one who suffered from this heinous act.
Taehyung: you are not dirty. Those men are dirty who do this to innocent girls like you

I stated and she looked at me with her teary eyes which just broke my heart.

Taehyung: come here…

I wiped her exposed shoulders slowly and then went to her arms. It had bruises. I opened the first aid box and put the antiseptic on top of her wound as she slightly winced in pain. Her other hand held my shoulder tightly as she closed her eye.

Y/N’s Pov

Then I felt a soft pair of lips on my wound. He kissed my wound softly. He is really delicate while showing his love. I felt his soft butterfly kisses went up to the upper part of my arm. I felt I am drowning in his gestures. I am feeling melted in his embrace. I opened my eyes only to see his face real close to me. his warm breath was hitting my face. He was looking at me with his magical eyes. the eyes which were trying their best to ignore me, to hate me on these days but I am seeing only love today, pure love in his eyes for me. I am seeing madness in his eyes for me, I am seeing passion and a sign of emptiness in his eyes. he then took my other arm and treated that too. He kissed my arms which were touched by that man. As if he was trying to cover all the pains and wounds which were not only in my body but my heart also, I was melting in his warm embrace. I was feeling calm and it was soothing my soul. His gaze then finally falls on my lips. It was bruised. He then caressed my lower lip with his thumb. Then he took another cotton pad with antiseptic on it and slowly rubbed the corners of my lips. I kept looking at Taehyung. The man I had left is taking care of me with this much love. He should have hated me but his eyes are showing worry, his eyes are showing he is hurt seeing me in this state. He loves me without knowing any boundaries. He even left the whole party, clients, Jisoo just for taking care of me. I can’t even count the amount of love he is showing to me. how can he be so selfless? He even beat that man in spite of being the most reputed man of South Korea. After treating the wounds of my lips he wiped my face with the wet towel slowly. He then gave me my clothes and told me to wear it. he was about to get up from there but I hold his wrist and stopped him.

Y/N: stay

He nodded and turned to the other side.
After a while he came with a soup bowl on his hands and placed it in front of me. he fed me the whole soup by blowing time to time. He didn’t even get changed. He was with me every time, that’s why he didn’t get time to change. He then wiped my mouth and laid me on the bed.

Y/N: you should get changed.

He nodded smiling at me a little and went to change. He then came not after so long. He was going to another room but I stopped him saying

Y/N: I am scared…

He looked at me with his swollen eyes. Don’t tell me he cried again seeing me in this state. The regret is building inside me.

Taehyung: you will feel uncomfortable…

His this statement just killed me internally. He can never make me feel uncomfortable. Did I break him completely? But what I did was for his wellbeing.

Y/N: please..i am  scared

To be continued

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