Part 5

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I too went to my house..

I went to my room straight and knelt down. My legs were feeling numb. My hands were trembling and a gasp left my mouth…automatically tears left my eyes. I was not moving from my spot…no words were leaving from my mouth. As if words were stuck in my lungs.

Taehyung: sh……she……came….backk..

I couldn’t say anything..and closed my eyes….

“ yes yes…I did this….I don’t love you anymore”

“in fact I never loved you.”

I recalled her words which still haunts me. I held my chest which was tightening… kept rubbing it until the pain vanishes. But it was increasing…..

Taehyung:  stop Taehyung, stop doing this to yourself….you hate her…you hate her..

I kept reminding myself that I hate her. In these 4 years I only wanted to hate her. But today when I saw her, why my heart beats raced like earlier……

I held the vase beside me and threw it on the floor causing it to break into pieces. The glass pieces shattered on the floor. I tried to get up and some pieces got stuck in my skin and I hissed in pain. It cut some places of my legs causing it to bleed. But I didn’t care about it. I kept walking and stumbling, then suddenly fall down and my palm was pierced by a huge sharp broken glass piece. I again hissed in pain. I sat on the floor and harshly pulled out the piece causing it to bleed more. I got up with my bleeding legs and arms. I went to the wash basin and put my hand under the tap. The water was flowing on my hands and the blood was disappearing slowly. I didn’t put any antiseptic to my wounds and leave it as it is. I then went to sleep.

Author’s Pov

Kim Taehyung being one of the most powerful men in South Korea cried like a lost kid. No one could imagine how brutally broken he was from inside. That means the most powerful man on earth also has some weakness which he doesn’t want to show it to the outsiders. Like Y/N, he also suppressed his all sorrows and pains. He also had suffered a lot of pains which he doesn’t want to share to anyone. For others he was the most powerful man of South Korea. But why he became this weak seeing her? Why was she the reason of her crying? What had happened between them? Why did they act like complete strangers? 

Y/N’s Pov

After diving sometime…..I asked my diver to stop the car. I got down. It was basically a hilly area. I looked around and found no one. I went forward so that my driver can’t see me. Icy cold wind was blowing causing me shiver a bit. I rubbed my hands for warmth and kept walking until I reach the end of that area. I stopped and screamed my heart out….and burst into crying. I screamed my lungs out. My heart was getting ripped at that moment. The pain was unconditional.

Y/N: Taehyung……My Taehyung

I said almost whispered.

I held my hairs with both hands in frustration.

Author’s Pov

No words were enough to describe how she was feeling. She met Taehyung, her Taehyung…..she wanted to embrace him and cry on his arms. He was yearning for his warmth. She wanted to scream in happiness seeing him, she wanted to say him that she was terrible when they got separated; she wanted to be with him for so long. She was dying every day to see him once. She wanted to say that she was guilty….extremely guilty even though she was not at fault.

She wanted to touch him, she wanted to show her care..her love. But she buried her all emotions in front of him and acted all rude and cold. She was regretting badly for being this rude to him. But she doesn’t want him to love her now. she wants him to hate her. She wanted Taehyung to get away from her. But why?

The next day,

Y/N’s Pov

I woke up in the morning. I was in my hotel. I didn’t tell my dad that I am here at South Korea otherwise he would insist me to go to my dad’s house which I am not interested in. Today is the meeting with Kim Corporation. I am kind of nervous to see him again. But let’s see how long I can suppress my emotions in front of him. I don’t want him to have any feelings for me.

Time skips,

I went to his office and they took me straight to the VIPs meeting room. He had not arrived yet. So I was told to keep seated. Then I heard some girls talking from behind……

Girl 1:  did you see Mr. Kim’s new girlfriend? She is damn beautiful…

I felt my heart tripped hearing that. Maybe that’s why he was talking so normally with me. he moved on…but wait I should be happy…then why am I feeling hurt?

Girl 2: Yes, she is. She really takes care of him. I have seen it with my own eyes. she brings food for him everyday.

Girl 3: Thank God, she is not like that previous slut..bitc….

I didn’t react at all. I don’t want them to be suspicious about me. These kinds of words used to hurt me but not anymore. I think my heart has become like a stone now. These words don’t affect me anymore. Then I saw Taehyung came with a beautiful girl, maybe she was his girlfriend. I stood up and shook my hands like a professional partner.. Then I noticed his other hand had a cut mark. It was slightly bleeding. It was not even bandaged. I felt my heart drenched seeing his state. Then my eyes went to his eyes. The eyes which I used to love the most. His eyes were swollen. He had dark eye bags under his eyes. Doesn’t he sleep properly? Tears were about to fall so I looked down and wiped my tears. He definitely noticed it.
He ignored it and went to his seat and that girl sat beside him. I sat on the other side of him. He looked at me with that same cold expression and then looked at the girl beside him. He then hold her hand and slowly caressed it as he smile a little. I felt heartbroken but I am happy for him at the same time.

That girl was indeed very charming. Her dark blue eyes were really attractive. Her white floral dress was absolutely complimenting her perfectly curved body. she looked at Taehyung  with care and worry for his wound. She then hold Taehyung’s hand and I felt hurt. He gestured her that he was okay by nodding a little as he smiled. She smiled in assurance. I smiled a little and looked away not wanting to see them. It was increasing my pain. Then he started the presentation and we all focused on that……

In the middle of the meeting he said,

Taehyung: oh Ms. Y/N, I forgot to introduce my fiancé Jisoo to you…

He said with a smile plastered on his face. I knew he was saying all of this to make me jealous. I am satisfied to see him happy. But at the same time, I felt my whole world just tossed upside down hearing fiancé. I was froze on my spot for some time and then calmed my racing heart and tried my best not to overreact.

To be continued

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