Part 17

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I got into my car and started driving then I saw a huge traffic on the road. I got really irritated due to this. then I got a call from an unknown number. I received it and I heard a stern yet husky voice.

The voice itself gave me shivers.

Y/N: hello, who is it?

???: Your well-wisher ma’am.

A small gasp left my mouth. it was the sound of Mr. Geller. I recognized it because I had attended one of his meeting with Taehyung.

Y/N: Mr. Geller, why did you call me
I said in a stern voice with a tint of anger. 

Y/N: ohhh Taehyung’s babygirl seems angry

He mocked…as I felt disgusted of his cheap thoughts.

Y/N: why did you call me ?

I said adding more depth to my voice..
Mr. Geller:  relax darling look at your left and you will understand it all.
I immediately looked at my left only to see Hailey and Taehyung talking with each other sitting on his car.

I noticed Taehyung getting uncomfortable as Hailey was getting all touchy and clingy with him. He doesn’t really like being touched by someone else other than me. He seemed to settle the matter professionally as soon as possible. I can tell what he is thinking just by looking at his movements and uneasiness.

Mr. Geller: ohhh poor girl got lost seeing her husband.

I snapped back hearing his voice which was showing ridicule and mockery.

Mr. Geller: they look so good together…am I right?

Y/N: huh..good. Can’t you see Taehyung is clearly avoiding her even her gaze….

Mr. Geller: look carefully darling….Hailey has a chip on her dress which she would attach it to Taehyung’s shirt and I have the remote of it…

I gasped loudly and my body trembled a little. A tear left my eye as my lips were shaking thinking about the worst that could happen to him.

Y/N: what are you going to do with my Taehyung?

He laughed creepily..

Mr. Geller: ohhh don’t act so innocent…you have already recognized that it is the chip of a bomb. After attaching the chip Taehyung will turn into a human bomb. And with my one press, his body will be ripped in billions of pieces or the amount of pieces will not be countable…..


I screamed loudly and tears started streaming down my cheeks.

Y/N: why are you doing this to him…what do you want from us?

He chuckled creepily.

Mr. Geller: I want Taehyung to be with my daughter not you….

At that time my body was shaking due to his conditions…

Y/N: listen to me Mr. Geller, Taehyung doesn’t love her. he loves me and he will never accept your daughter as his wife. He only accepted me as his wife.

I said as calmly as possible to handle the situation. But my heart was beating at its maximum speed. My heart was screaming inside seeing My Taehyung in front of me as Hailey tried her best to attach the chip in his shirt without him noticing. A loud gasp left my mouth again.

Y/N: please…..don’t hurt my Taehyung…don’t do this to him…

I literally begged him for his life.

He laughed creepily again.

Mr. Geller: your silence is a no for me so…

And I looked that the chip was activated on showing red light. I felt my heart just crumpled seeing him. He was so concentrated on his meeting as he didn’t noticed it…

I was about to got down of my car…but…

Mr. Geller: ah ah…no darling..don’t even try…

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