Part 34

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I am carrying her to our hotel room with a broad smile plastered in my face

Y/N: Taehyung will you stop carrying me like this in front of is so embarrassing

I giggled and hold her more tightly, close to my heart.

Taehyung: let them see, can't I carry my newly wed bride?

I whispered in her ear mischievously and she hit my arms. As I laughed hard...

Taehyung: besides everyone's admiring our there's no harm..

She at last lost against my stubbornness.

And I continued taking her to our room.

We came near our room and I put her down

Taehyung: your highness....

I opened the door for my queen...


My jaw dropped seeing the room in front of me. My lips parted in awe. The room was decorated with full of white roses, white curtains, white aromatic candles, white bedsheets, blankets everything.

A tear left my eye

Taehyung: specially prepared the room for our honeymoon.....

He said and I felt he back hugged me. I hugged his arms back and let my tears of happiness and overwhelm fall. I just can't compare with the amount of love he showers at me. He loves me without knowing any boundaries.

He did all of these to forget what all happened with us in the past. He is trying to show his unconditional love which was he suppressing from the last 4 years. He is trying to give me all the happiness which he couldn't give me from the last 4 years. He is trying to heal me by showing his warm gestures. He is trying to cover all my pains and sufferings by showing his affection.

Taehyung: Come on now, go inside

I went inside holding his hand.

He gestured me to sit on the bed. The gown was simple yet heavy. So I faced some difficulties in placing the gown on the floor. 

He sat beside me and I raised my eye brows

Y/N: What are you doing?

Taehyung: I want to make this night memorable....

He whispered in my ears and I felt shivers run down my spine.

His fingers made their way to my bare shoulders....and I gasp a bit. His fingers slowly caressed my shoulders to ease my nervousness. And I felt my racing heart was calming down. His fingers travelled to my hairs and slowly untie my hairs which was tied in a bridal braid. He slowly approached my hair pins and opened them causing my hair to fall on my bare back. His hands made their way to my veil and opened it slowly while deeply looking at my eyes. I felt deep affection and desires on his eyes for me. I gulped hard and he smiled looking at me. He was looking at me as if his eyes were desperately searching for me and found me after ages. His eyes were showing he was thankful to me for coming back to him, he was grateful that I came to his life again to help him live. He was overwhelmed and very happy that he couldn't express in words. But I understand, I understand his every emotion. Sometimes I feel like we are not two souls with two hearts, we are two souls with one heart. Because it beats together and if something happens to anyone of us the other one will automatically stop breathing..

He came real close to me but this time, I need to give him happiness and comfort. This time I need to comfort him and show my affection for him.
I hold his hand which was about to caress my cheeks. I made him sit infront of me.


I felt her soft delicate fingers brushed against my hairs and ruffle them a little. Meanwhile she was looking deeply into my eyes as if her world resolves around me only. She leaned forward to kiss my forhead as carefully as possible. I felt I am already in heaven. I felt peace inside my whole existence. A tear escaped my eye. I was yearning to feel her as my wife, my Y/N. This feeling is incredible. She kissed my my both cheeks delicately showing her emotions and my emotions which were mixing with each other. Her warm breath was hitting my face giving me satisfaction.

Taehyung: I love you...

She smiled broadly and nodded

Y/N: Thank you...

I frowned my brows

Taehyung: I love you so much

Y/N: Thank you so much

Taehyung: say it back to me...

Y/N: I am not in a mood

She is teasing me badly

I hold her both hands which were in my neck slowly caressing it with my hands. She widened her eyes. I carried her by holding her waist by my arms.

Taehyung: Say it back now Mrs. Kim

Y/N: ummmm I told you nah...I am not in a mood

She whispered in my ears. She is really getting on my nerves.

I threw her on the bed with me on top of her and pinned her on the bed by holding her both arms

Taehyung: I said, say it back....

She froze for a second and was trying to process what just happened with her.

I smirked seeing her reaction

Y/N: look...

Taehyung: Will you say or I...

I hovered over her and closed her eyes tightly.. she is so cute

Y/N: I love you too...
She said and I laughed out loud.

She slowly opened her eyes only to see my face was inches apart from hers. She gulped.

I leaned closer to her lips and slowly placed my lips on her, she kissed me back with full of love whilesmiling. And what else maybe our journey of happiness just began.


"She was the wish of his life. He didn’t know how else to say it. He didn’t even know that he could really explain, just that every time he saw her he felt his bones might break under the weight of his wanting. His longing for her"

To be continued

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