Part 43

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I am currently going to a party. It is the wedding anniversary of one of my favourite people.

As soon as I reached there, I was welcomed by two cute little birds. Aera and Areum. They are twins. So they were wearing same clothes, they were wearing soft pink frocks with two ponytails on both the sides of their head. Looking absolutely adorable. They bow to me like noble kids and requested me to come inside. They have such good manners. I absolutely love how their parents bought them up. They are 4 and a half years old. But still had decent manners and discipline. I ruffled their hairs and went inside. Then Aera said,

Aera: Police uncle, police uncle today is mom dad's Ann..I an..

Aerum: Anniversary idiot.

We laughed hard. They can't even pronounce properly. They are so cute. They had little bread cheeks and Aera has a mole on her nose, just like her dad. On the other hand, Aerum has a mole on her thumb. Aera has dark brown orbs othe on the other side, Aerum has jet black orbs. This small differences make them unique and more precious

I knelt down and looked at Aera

Police Chief: Where are your mom and Dad

I looked around but found them nowhere. There are only guests.

Aerum: Uncle uncle there they are

She tapped my shoulder and said,

I looked at where she said

And there they are my tigers. Taehyung and Y/N were coming downstairs holding each other's arms. My eyes sparkle to see them this much happy. Taehyung was as usual staring at his wife. Ahhh this boy I tell you. He is a father now still behaves as a crazy lover of Y/N. On the other hand Y/N was busy admiring the view in front of her. Taehyung asked to decorate the whole venue in white theme. Because Y/N's favourite theme is white.

I saw Aera and Aerum run to their parents and Taehyung carried them both on his arms. They chuckled together like a happy family. Taehyung looked at Y/N loving. As if nothing is more important to Taehyung other than Y/N right now. He leaned in and kissed her cheeks slowly. She blushed a little and looked at their kids. They didn't notice me yet.

They were looking very beautiful indeed. She was wearing a red sleeve less gown and Taehyung was completing their couple look by wearing tuxedo. This is called Perfection.

A tear of Joy left my eye. I still remember the incident. It always gives me shivers.


I was crying sitting in the ground but suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up only to see my junior police officer.

Chief: what

Police officer: Sir..r..the..they...

I got irritated and got up wiping my tears.

Chief: what is it?

He looked at the direction of the backside of the mansion. My gaze followed his until I saw Taehyung carrying Y/N on his arms and running towards us. I felt my broken heart just melted seeing the scene in front of me. Y/N was looking at her Taehyung with a reassuring smile. On the other hand Taehyung was busy getting out of there..

I gestured my officer to go and help him. I just stood there and admired the scene. Taehyung is indeed a Tiger who saved the both of them. The way he was carrying Y/N, was really charismatic and and fierce. his aura and satisfied face was proving everyone that Y/N is his and only his. He proved that he can save his Y/N no matter what happens.

He just showed the world what Kim Taehyung can do for Y/N. He showed the world what Y/N means to him.

His face turned to Y/N while carrying. He pecked her lips slowly and attached his forehead with her. He was messy, tired and his clothes were all stained with dust and dirt, he had swollen eyes but still smiled for his Y/N. Only Y/N can bring him this much happiness. Aish this boy..his face had worry and fear for Y/N's health. My officers offered Taehyung to help him carry Y/N but no Taehyung being Taehyung said,

Taehyung: I can carry her all day and don't look at her like this.

I chuckled loudly. How possessive he is when it comes to Y/N.


Taehyung and Y/N came to me with their kids

I hugged them both

Chief: happy fifth anniversary my tigers.

Y/N: Thank you uncle...we are really grateful you came

She smiled sweetly and said. I smiled in response

I pulled Taehyung by arms and took him to a corner

Taehyung: what is it uncle

Chief: Here is your anniversary gift

He furrowed his eye brows

Taehyung: What is it?

Chief: it is two tickets of Hawai.

He seemed shocked
Taehyung: no no uncle I can't take this,

Chief:who is giving it to you? I am giving it to my daughter. It is her anniversary also. Besides you guys were busy being the best parents that's why didn't spend enough time with each other. Give some time to each other also. Besides it is your anniversary, show your love to her, show her that you still care about her and still is romantic..

He smiled shyly. I patted his back

Chief: we often forgot to give the person we love sometime but we shouldn't do that. Of course you are now parents but you guys were husband and wife first. You guys need to show some gestures that your love hasn't fade till now. It has grown more now. This is called growth in a relationship

Taehyung: but uncle Aera and Aerum are still young.

Chief: I understand son, they will stay in my house. They will play with my grandchildren and your auntie will take care of them don't worry.

He nodded smiling cheekily. He showed his iconic boxy smile. I love his smile.

He went to her and showed her the tickets. She refused but afterwards agreed.

I was seeing their conversation from afar. They were really happy with each other. I hope they stay like this forever.

To be continued

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