Part 22

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I kissed her lips softly while my tears were falling on her cheeks. She responded without wasting a single second. I went with her on my arms to her room without breaking the kiss. Meanwhile her eyes had tears which were falling from the corner of her eyes. While her fingers were slowly caressing my cheeks and slowly wiping my tears.

Now I don't want to know what was the reason behind her all these doings. I don't want to increase her pains and also my griefs. I just want the time to stop and let us be in each other's arms. I just want to hide on her embrace now. I just want her to engulf me on her arms from this cruel world. I just want to live like Earlier with her. I want to feel her comfort, her warmth and her affection. I want to feel her breaths against my face. I want to hear her heart beats which beats for me only. I want to inhale her addictive fragrance which gives me a reason to live always. I want the both of us to get dissolved together in each other's embrace to another world where this type of sufferings and hindrance doesn't exist. I want her fully now. I want to forget whatever she did to me and whatever i said to her and to stay only on her arms.

I want to give her happiness now. Of course I want to know the whole truth to decrease her pains and heal her but not now. She and her health is my first and foremost priority now. And she will be not fully recovered until her heart is healthy and healed. I had killed her heart and soul so now I will heal her soul and heart myself. Let me show her her my version of affection and love. My love doesn’t know any boundaries. I will give her an amount of happiness which she didn't even think in her dreams.

I will let the world stop for us. I want her to be fully mine until she recovers.

I laid her down on the bed and pulled out from the kiss. Then we locked our gaze romantically, and let our all emotions to be transferred to each other's heart. I smiled and she smiled back weakly. I attached my forhead with hers. I inhaled her fragrance which was driving me crazy. I felt my heart was calming down just to feel her presence. She then attached her nose with mine and giggled holding my arms. I chuckle seeing her childish behaviour and cuteness which was irresistible. My fingers automatically made their way to her hairs and was slowly combing them. Her reactions of closing her eyes in pleasure were giving me peace. My gaze fall on her mesmerising eyes which always catches my attention. She was looking at me with pure love. I kissed her eye Patels as delicately as possible. Her tears were vanished by being overwhelmed by my gestures. My fingers trailed down to her earlobes and I slowly kissed them and then my fingers brushed against her cheeks. She blushed slightly observerving my actions. I was yearning to see her getting all blushed by my gestures. I chuckled and kissed her cheeks with all the love I had for her. She felt ticklish and chuckled a little. Ahhhh I love this moment of us. I dreamt of this moment for so long. Finally I am living my dream. I kissed her forehead and laid beside her on the bed. She widen her eyes and without giving her a chance to say anything I pulled her close to me by holding her waist. Her breath hitched for a second as she got shy and buried her face on my neck and I snuggled on her neck, inhaling her addicting scent. I then started sniffing her hairs, it gives me and she was getting relaxed on my arms. She slowly wrapped her skinny arms around my neck and let me do what I was doing. I shiver a bit to feel her after a long time. I kissed her hairs until I was satisfied.

Taehyung: I am sorry baby..

She bursted into crying after hearing baby after freaking 4 years....she was very overwhelmed by my gestures. She hugged me as tightly as possible and said,

Y/N: Taehyung you shouldn't say sorry...I should say sorry for everything. I ruined your life...I am...a bad person

She mumbled cutely and cried like a kid on my arms....

Tears trickled down my eyes but I wiped it. I have to be strong for her. I have to take care of her. Of something happens to her, I wouldn't be able to live. I kissed her forhead and secured her tightly on my arms.

We stayed like this for sometime. I checked her temperature. It has decreased but her body is still very weak.

I saw she passed out on my arms again. I got really worried about her health. I pulled her face and saw sweat all over her face. That means the fever is lessening. I wiped her forehead with my hand and kissed her lips softly and laid her on the bed.

I went outside and went beside Jungkook who was desperately almost threatening the best doctors of South Korea to come to Seoul. I know him well. He is really possessive when it comes to Y/N that he can burn the whole South Korea if anyone lays a finger on Y/N. Y/N is lucky to have him by his side. Though he and Y/N is in similar age but he acts like her bug brother.

Jungkook: Taehyung..they are not listening to me..

I smiled and took the phone from his hand and said

Taehyung: I want the top 5 doctors of the whole freaking South Korea today itself...and and I hope I don't have to contact your Trustees

I said in a stern and cold voice. The other person on the line shivered hearing me...

Man: Mr. y...ou..I didn't know you were asking otherwise we would have never denied...please don't sue our company

The man shuttered but I don't have time for their bullshits.

Taehyung: and yeah get all the equipments of you damn hospital in my apartment,  I don't want my Y/N to stay in this bloody hotel. She has her own house. I don't even want her in any hospital. I am here for her but send two specialist nurses to take care of her. I don't want to take any kind of chances. And don't worry about the expenses and all, I will take care of it. I want everything to be perfect and latest equipments for her treatment.

Man: yes sir, yes sir....

He kept saying while I was hearing his voice was shaking as hell....

Jungkook seemed to be proud and satisfied with my gestures and speaking but specially when I called her my Y/N without caring about anyone's opinion or assumptions.

He hugged me and bursted into crying. I knew he can control him self infront of everyone but not infront of me.  Specially when the matter is about Y/N. He was burring his all emotions and griefs but he couldn't control anymore. He is really worried for Y/N. He let his remaining tears fell on my shoulder. I tried my best to not break down infront of him. I have to handle of them. Then I saw Kai ran to us and hugged us tight. We cried for Y/N that day. The three we'll built man were melting in grief and pain in fear of losing their loved one. But I cannot explain my version of pain. The pain was unbearable ad unconditional. But I have to handle them all and take care of my Y/N.

To be continued

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