Part 40

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Y/N: Aghhhh....please

I cried in pain hysterically as he was beating me with a belt for hours. My both hands were wrapped around my belly to secure my bump.

When I got the news of me being pregnant, I felt this was the best gift from God to me and Taehyung. This is a sacred blessing for us. It the symbol of our love. My Taehyung who was once taunted that he can't be a dad, also taunted he was incomplete and I was an infertile, now he is going to be a dad. I am going to give him his child. This feeling of being a mother is something else. Again when you become the mother of your loved one's child then it has to be the most beautiful and precious things on earth.

But when I learned that I became pregnant of Taehyung's child, I wanted to share it with Taehyung badly but before I could do that I was taken by Geller's man

Mr. Geller: relax boys

He ordered sitting on the couch meanwhile I was tied up on a chair. My whole body has bruises and cuts. Some of the cuts are bleeding. I am feeling absolutely nothing, as if I have become numb. My legs are not supporting me to even get up. I am feeling really weak. I have dried throat. My lips are dried. Hairs are messy. But I have to be strong for  Taehyung and Taehyung's baby. He said he will be coming

As soon as the boys heard their boss's order.  They left the place leaving me all bruised

Suddenly I heard sirens. My lips smile hoping to see My Taehyung. He came with the police

Mr. Geller: shitttt

He laughed creepily. I looked at him frowning my brows. He was freaking out but was still laughing. Is he a psycho?

Y/N: what do you mean?

Mr. Geller: Hailey come quickly

He  called Hailey through his Bluetooth earphones. I raised my eye brows.

Hailey came to the room with some instruments. Shittt that's maybe some bomb wires

Tears left from my swollen eyes.

Y/N: no no please...don't do this can't do this to my is not his fault..

I literally pleaded for the sake of my unborn child.

Hailey laughed mercilessly and tied a human bomb on my body and they left leaving me screaming for life

Y/N: No please...please I beg you..don't do this to my baby...please Taehyung...where are you?

Maybe this is the end of our journey. I closed my eyes to recall our each moment

" The hospital day,

Y/N: Do you love her?

He genuinely smiled at me and said

Taehyung: she is in my every heart beat. My heart is beating only for her. If she wasn't here with me I would have died long ago..."

I remembered our hospital's memory.
A tear left my eye

Then I recalled another memory

" Paris Surprise

Y/N: did this.....

Taehyung: I wanted to put the whole world underneath my queen's feet...I wanted you to know that my love is higher than this height. It has no limits.....


Taehyung: What greater thing is there for two human souls that to feel that they are joined… to strengthen each other… to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.

I, Kim Taehyung ask you Kang Y/N to pass through life at my side—to be my second self, and best earthly companion.

Marry me..."

I remembered how he proposed and my tears rapidly fall on my cheeks.

I remembered our wedding day.

" his wedding vows

Taehyung: I am reminded of James 1:17 where it says that every good and perfect gift comes from above.
Kang Y/N, you are truly a Gift from God and I promise to spend the rest of my life treating you as such.
I will cherish you always and never take you for granted.
His commands.
I will lead by example, with patience, and with understanding.
I will be slow to anger, and quick to listen.
I will be a strong spiritual leader in our home through good times and bad, in joy and in sorrow.
I will love you and be faithful to you alone from this day forward until God calls us home.
This is my solemn pledge to you and to God.
Please accept this ring as a symbol of our covenant and my undying love for you. "

I cried harder thinking I will not see him anymore

Then another memory of our honeymoon

" honeymoon period

Y/N: Taehyung will you stop carrying me like this in front of is so embarrassing

Taehyung: let them see, can't I carry my newly wed bride?

Taehyung: besides everyone's admiring our there's no harm..

Taehyung: I want to make this night memorable...."

I recalled his every sentences. Is this the end of our love. Will we never meet. What will happen to his baby.

Y/N: I am sorry Taehyung, I couldn't give you your happiness. I am sorry

I cried looking on the floor.

To be continued

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