Dominion's End V5C9: Whose Violent Wife Is This

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Dominion's End Volume 5: Zhanjiang Garrison

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 9: Whose Violent Wife is This—translated by Simone (proofread by Arcedemius & Trespasserby; C/E edited by lucathia)

Dàgē arched his eyebrows, his expression calm. That cool-headed demeanor seemed to affect Xiao Sha. After taking two deep breaths, Xiao Sha regained his composure and calmly gave a full report of the situation.

"When we were collecting supplies, Yunqian said we made too much noise earlier. She was scared aberrants would gather and went to keep watch on the balcony. She didn't see any aberrants. Instead, she discovered a large number of people hiding outside, expertly hidden too. They can't be ordinary people, and there are a lot of them, surrounding us on all sides."

Dàgē immediately looked at Jin Feng, who frowned and shook her head.

I felt nervous and was about to tell Dàgē that Jin Feng wouldn't do something like that, but Dàgē already said, "Let's form an alliance for now, and call all the troops back."

Surprisingly enough, Jin Feng had no complaints against a temporary alliance and nodded. At her side, Scar immediately took out a walkie-talkie and ordered everyone to return right away.

My eyes lit up. These walkie-talkies looked pretty useful. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to use them in my past life, and I didn't think of them at all when buying supplies. As for Dàgē, he had only had a rough understanding of the situation and had been pressed for time, which was why he hadn't brought back any such toys either. As soon as we had the chance, we should retrieve some, as they would be very helpful for any future large-scale operations.

"You want these?" Jin Feng noticed my expression.

I nodded.

"I have a lot. I'll send a few to Jiang-gē and Xiǎomèi as a gift later on."

This... I still nodded. Even though nothing was for free, I already owed her my life twice over. Since my debt was already that great, I'd just better slowly settle the score later.

As Jin Feng's troops returned, the soldier Yunqian had sent out arrived back as well. Straight away, he said, "They seemed interested in talking. They sent two of their people to the front of the building, unarmed."

Hearing this, Dàgē looked at Jin Feng. Courteously, he asked, "What are you going to do?"

Jin Feng, however, glanced at me and just said, "I'll let you decide. This place is too close to our base. I have already sent someone back to inform Jin Zhan. We need to delay a bit so he can call his men back to the base. Whether we negotiate or fight, both are fine."

"So, you already have a base. You are worthy of the Jin name, taking such quick action."

"The Jiang family is not bad either," Jin Feng said lightly. "I heard that your base is quite large."

Dàgē stared at me, his expression full of grief that his dìdì had fallen under her spell. But I haven't revealed anything, Dàgē, you just spilled the beans yourself! Jin Feng is only testing us.

I vigorously shook my head. This has nothing to do with me. You're the fool here!

After a pause, it seemed Dàgē understood. He looked a little embarrassed, and immediately changed the topic, pretending nothing had happened.

"Since we need to stall, let's talk to them first. They sent two people, so we'll each send one. That should be an agreeable plan?"

Jin Feng nodded toward Scar. He stepped forward, an incredibly ugly smile on his face. "No problem, I'll represent our side. We're family anyway. It would be my pleasure."

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