Dominion's End V6C4: Failed Negotiations

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Dominion's End Volume 6: The Unknown Elite

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 4: Failed Negotiations—translated by lucathia, Miaka Mei, raylight, Elkin & Dahlys (proofread by elisa & Minthe; C/E edited by lucathia)

Wei Mingyun...

Wei Xiaogē!

I popped up from the bed, in disbelief that I had slept so soundly in the apocalypse. If an aberrant were nearby, I wouldn't even have known how I'd died—wait, this is my room. Jiang Shuyu's room.

After looking around and finding not even the slightest hint of danger, I sat sluggishly on the side of the bed and used both hands to hit my cheeks. With a loud "slap," my chaotic feelings gradually began to calm down. Immediately afterwards, I began to carefully recall the past I had dreamed of.

It turned out that Wei Xiaogē had given his full name from the start. Only, everyone had called him Wei Xiaogē, and I had also followed suit. Sometimes, for the sake of teasing him, I would switch to calling him baby bro Wei—Wei Xiaodì.

However, Xia Zhengu had disliked Wei Xiaogē from the start. It was just that Wei Xiaogē was powerful, had joined the team for a long time, and hadn't committed any big mistakes. If Xia Zhengu were to want to chase him away, who knows how many of the team would want to leave with Wei Xiaogē!

Several times, when I spoke with Wei Xiaogē, Xia Zhengu would use that as an excuse to blow up. Later on, in order to avoid bringing trouble to Wei Xiaogē, I no longer spoke with him in private. And so, I forgot his full name, "Wei Mingyun."

Even so, Wei Xiaogē didn't skimp on helping me out. He repaid the debt of saving his life over and over again. It was as if to him, he was never ever going to be able to repay the debt in full.

When I recalled the "life debt," I felt uneasy. If I don't go and save him this time around, will Wei Xiaogē actually die in that shelter?

The door was suddenly opened. I looked over. Xiao Sha came in with a kettle. When he saw that I was awake, he froze, then relaxed and said, "So, you're already up. I'll get some food for you. Eat up, and then you'll have to hurry and—"

I stared blankly at Xiao Sha. Xia Zhengu's face suddenly appeared in my mind. In that moment, he was yelling.

Those high officials of the Shangguan family live in luxury, eating and drinking their fill...


I yelled. Xiao Sha startled so hard that the kettle fell on the ground. He immediately drew his dagger and looked around, thinking there was an enemy.

I finally figured it out!

In my previous life, I learned from broadcasts that there was a shelter nearby outside of the city. We fled the city with our lives on the line to seek shelter. The shelter used to be a military camp—the Shangguan family's military camp!

I didn't know how many times Xia Zhengu had yelled in front of me, "Shangguan trash," or "lazy Shangguan asses." The surname was so unique. How could I have taken this long to remember!

Probably because there were too many people and things Xia Zhengu always complained about. They were just like those mistresses, so numerous that I couldn't even remember their faces, let alone their names.

Thinking it over carefully, this life's Guan Weijun lived in Lan City, while in the previous life, I had also lived in the city. I grew up, went to school, and got a job all in the same city because my mom wasn't willing to leave the city where she and her late husband had so many memories. I wanted to keep Mom company, so I had stayed in the same city the entire time.

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