Dominion's End V1C2: The Black Fog Unveils

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Dominion's End Volume 1: Raining Stars at World's End

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 2: The Black Fog Unveils – translated by Elkin

It was only after all the supplies had been piled into the basement and some of the excess tossed into the kitchen that I felt more at ease. With these supplies, as long as Jiang Shutian could make it back and protect these supplies, this family would be able to survive.

When we had gotten back home, the nurse was so angry she was about to explode. But I insisted on making sure all the supplies were taken care of before I was willing to rest, so her face transformed into that of man-eating tigress as she worked with Lin-bó to force me into the bathroom to clean up. Then, she ordered me to lie on the bed so she could check my various vital stats.

The moment I hit the bed, I was so exhausted that I passed out until the next day. By the time I woke up and looked at the clock, it was already past noon.

Getting up, I called the nurse and Lin-bó to take me to the bathroom so I could do my business and tidy up.

Confronted with an unfamiliar male body, I was still fairly calm for a woman who had turned into a man. After all, what hadn't I seen to date? But the nurse was surprisingly shy, perhaps because she was still young, not even thirty judging from her looks. I, on the other hand, had the body of a fine, young lad. There simply wasn't a woman in this world who hadn't thought of gobbling up a delectable young man!

After washing up, I was planning to eat a little something, ideally topped off by some more chicken soup as well. Although it's a little too late to start nursing this body back to health...

"Xiao Yu."

I lifted my head. It was Uncle and Auntie. Yesterday, Shujun said that they had gone out to meet up with a friend, and by the time we got back, they were already asleep. We had even specially requested the transporters to carry on their business quietly to avoid waking them up.

"Good afternoon, Uncle, Auntie."

I gauged the two of them. They looked only forty-odd or so, and Auntie seemed like she hadn't even hit her forties yet, but maybe they were simply really good at maintaining themselves. There was simply no way they hadn't reached their forties yet. This Uncle and his dead brother might have had a bit of an age gap.

The two seemed really bookish, which was really bad news. I'd sincerely hoped that this Uncle was a muscle man, and it was best if he had trained in judo, taekwondo and martial arts, and was well versed in sword play and shooting or something. Sadly, while my dream Uncle was quite a hefty man, the reality was that he was a skinny bag of bones.

Auntie asked, puzzled, "Xiao Yu, why are there so many things in the kitchen? Did you buy all of that?"

I gave a nod, replying, "Yesterday, I went with Junjun to buy some things. I'm not sure what came over me to make me buy so much." Thankfully, they hadn't seen the basement. Otherwise, they wouldn't believe me even if I said I'd gone stir crazy.

Auntie reassured me gently, "It doesn't matter if you bought a lot. None of these are perishable, so we can just go through them slowly."

"Will Uncle and Auntie go out today?" If so, I'll immediately faint on the spot and force them to stay to look after me.

"Of course not," Auntie said a little apologetically, "Yesterday was just because a good friend of ours we hadn't seen in a while was leaving, so we just had to say goodbye. Otherwise, Uncle and I will never leave at a time like this. I still need to make sure you're eating right!"

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