Dominion's End V6C5: The Captain that Got Slapped Too Hard

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Dominion's End Volume 6: The Unknown Elite

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 5: The Captain that Got Slapped Too Hard—translated by lucathia & Miaka_Mei (proofread by Trespasserby & J Tao; C/E edited by lucathia)

I tossed out an entire wall as an ice shield, protecting Chen Yanqing from the front. In the very next second, the shield was in shattered pieces all across the ground.

Chen Yanqing was knocked onto his back. Wen Jianuo's expression changed. He quickly rushed over to check on his comrade's condition, only to see him breathing heavily with his face full of pain. However, with Wen Jianuo's support, he was still able to sit up.

Wen Jianuo dug out a bullet from the chest area of Chen Yanqing's bulletproof vest. Still, the bullet had blood on it. This gun had strong firepower. The bulletproof vest hadn't been able to block the attack, and the bullet had managed to meet its mark. If not for the ice shield obstructing it, I had a strong feeling that this bullet would have directly blasted Chen Yanqing's head into pieces.

The ice shield I had tossed up had been slightly angled. Even though the ice shield I had formed on the spot wasn't sturdy enough, the angle would make sure the bullet would ricochet or be deflected.

I was once again grateful for Uncle's guidance. Who says that a memory ability isn't useful? The key is the person with the ability!

Also, Uncle had speculated that his power shouldn't just be having an improved memory. Even his thoughts had become clearer and faster. It probably wasn't just memory. It could be that his brain's full capabilities had been unlocked, and that it had simply best manifested in his improved memory.

Even though the power wasn't offensively oriented, Uncle could help the entire Jiang Dominion think of various ways to use and develop their powers. Just this already made me feel like this power was practically godly!

Of course, the key was that Uncle, this knowledgeable person who excelled at thinking, had been matched with this power. Otherwise, this power wouldn't be this useful.

At this time, Chen Yanqing finally recovered and caught his breath. His injuries didn't seem serious. He looked at me gratefully and even exaggeratedly saluted me.

"Go into the mansion and get your injuries checked out."

Chen Yanqing nodded. Seeing that he could stand on his own and leave, he was probably fine.

Wen Jianuo held the bullet and said, "Sniper rifle."

I nodded and asked, puzzled, "Why didn't Yunqian retaliate?"

"Maybe the opponent didn't stick their head out again after shooting, or their position is too hard to hit." Wen Jianuo explained, "Even though the mansion is on high terrain, the building isn't high. If the opponent is hiding in a building, she'll have a hard time retaliating—"

A gunshot rang out. At the same time, glass from a nearby building suddenly shattered.

"She retaliated." I gazed into the distance. So it wasn't that she's not returning the favor. The timing just wasn't right!

"Was it a hit?" Wen Jianuo asked curiously.

"It was."

Blood had sprayed onto the other half of the glass window, the part that hadn't broken. There was quite a lot, too. Other than that, there was no sign of any movement. The person was most likely dead.

"Beautiful marksmanship!" Wen Jianuo praised, but then questioned, "Why isn't she the one with enhanced vision? If a sniper had that power, they'd be like a tiger with wings. No one would be able to escape from her sniping."

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