Dominion's End V2C10: Next Stop, Luo'an

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Dominion's End Volume 2: Aberrant City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 10: Next stop, Luo'an—translated by Elkin (proofread by Arcedemius & EvlNabiki; C/E edited by lucathia)

"Huh?" I was stunned by his question. I hadn't a clue why Jiang Xiaotian was asking about this, but I replied honestly nonetheless, "Yeah, I've killed before."

Jiang Xiaotian glanced over me with a somewhat conflicted expression, then nodded and said, "Then never mind. I was originally thinking to give you some practice."

Whoa, suddenly I feel like I've just saved a bunch of innocent lives. I wiped away my cold sweat. As expected of the Ice Emperor who'd lived through ten years of the apocalypse: he no longer put much value on human life. Although I was much the same, I hadn't reached the stage where I could kill a person just to polish my skills. This was probably because I'd stayed in the safety of the colonies for too long in the later stages of the apocalypse.

But before that, I had killed my fair share of people too, particularly after my mom died and Xia Zhengu started collecting women like they were goods. The me at that time couldn't care less about human lives, either.

"Let's go?" I ventured the question, wanting to get Jiang Xiaotian away from these people as soon as possible and prevent the Jiang family from becoming responsible for the extinction of all mankind.

"Okay..." Jian Xiaotian's tone of voice suddenly changed as he asked, "Shuyu, are those Hummers behind the minibuses?"

What?! I immediately looked. He was right. They'd been blocked by the minibuses, so I hadn't spotted them until now. More importantly, those Hummers weren't the civilian models, but military Humvees in camouflage colors!

"Dàgē, can I run away?" I asked in all seriousness.

Jiang Xiaotian gave me a look and said slowly, "You leave, you don't run away. If you want to run away, then I won't let you leave."

The whole business about "running away" versus "leaving" baffled the hell out of me. Whatever it was, we had to go. My energy levels were almost zero, so this wasn't a good time to cross paths with the military or mercenaries.

"Okay, let's leave."

When I saw the cars approaching the intersection we were at, I quickly wheeled around the motorcycle to go. But we hadn't even gone ten meters when we heard a voice coming from a megaphone,

"Stop the motorcycle right now or we will shoot!"


Why do you care so much about a motorcycle? Please just let me go? Don't you know I've got a nuclear missile at my back? Don't be so keen to commit suicide!

A sudden, cold laugh burst out from behind me, and a voice growled so deeply that it was terrifying, despite being a child's voice, "Hmph, doing things the hard way, are you?!"

"Dàgē, are you okay?" Something was very wrong. Jiang Xiaotian's mood seemed exceptionally rotten today. I could only think of one thing that had happened between this morning and now, and that was him seeing the map. Did the discovery about parallel universes affect him that much?

Jiang Xiaotian patted my shoulder, reminding me, "Don't space out. They're coming."

I glanced at the rearview mirror. Just as I'd feared, they really were soldiers, all dressed in uniform. Still, that was better than mercenaries. Generally speaking, mercenaries were more ruthless than soldiers, and they tended to be the less savory types. Not every mercenary was as sweet as the ones in my invincible troop.

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