Dominion's End V1C6: Turning Ice into a Weapon

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Dominion's End Volume 1: Raining Stars at World's End

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 6: Turning Ice into a Weapon– translated by Elkin

The first thing I did when I got home was go the basement to take the knives we had previously bought. All ten knives were still there, probably because Dàgē and his gang weren't interested in the crappy kinds purchased from a department store. I also took a medical kit and a big pile of dry goods before heading back to my room.

My room was a complete mess, and the hospital bed was still in Shujun's room. Nonetheless, there was still the single bed that was originally in this room, just that it had been shoved to one side to make room for the hospital bed.

I spent the better part of half a day tidying up the room. Even after doing so, I didn't feel very tired. My current body was as expected, becoming better. I hadn't eaten so many evolution crystals for nothing. Although I looked only marginally better than a paper doll, I was close to recovering my full strength.

Just as I was about to catch up on some sleep after wiping myself down, I heard a knock at the door. Startled, I reflexively snatched up a knife.

"Èrgē, it's Shujun."

I froze and asked, "What's up? I'm about to sleep."

"O-oh, then I won't keep you up. Good night."

I was suddenly buffeted by waves of intense disappointment—am I hoping Shujun would come in? I was silent for a moment before remembering that I needed to respond. "Night," I called out, but I didn't know if she'd already left.

I quietly settled on the floor. My activities had been very secretive and shouldn't have alerted anyone. If Dàgē knew, it was highly likely that Shujun was the one who had told him.

I felt conflicted, but then again, I had to admit to thinking too much of myself. Shutian and Shujun were real siblings, whereas I was nothing in comparison, nothing more than a body snatcher and a fake. I'm lucky enough that I haven't been gunned down, so why did I think I was in the position to hold myself up against them?

Giving an embarrassed laugh at my stupidity, I stood up and put away the medical kit, then hid the knives in various parts of the room. After that, I locked the door. Although someone had the key out there, just the sound of the key turning in the lock would be enough to wake me.

If I could just get back half the power and alertness of Guan Weijun, even if I couldn't win, I could still make a clean escape from mercenaries like these.

I slipped the last knife under my pillow, and it was only then that I was able to comfortably drift asleep.

Finally, the sense that the apocalypse had struck was back.

Happy days would never last. This was an immutable fact in every universe out there.

The next day, I still headed downstairs to eat. The supplies in the room were just a precaution. After all, I couldn't just hole up all day in the room. That wasn't practical.

The moment I stepped into the living room, the chatter died down for a moment. Only Uncle and Auntie remained oblivious, and Auntie even called out to me, "Xiao Yu, quick, come eat."

I made an assenting noise and sat next to Shujun, who kept her head down as she ate, not daring to look my way.

Jiang Shutian didn't have any of the anger on his face from yesterday, and he spoke like nothing was wrong. "Xiao Yu, about those evolution crystals. Is there any kind of restriction on eating them we should be aware of?"

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