Dominion's End V3Prologue: Three Days

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Prologue: Three Days—translated by Elkin (proofread by Arcedemius & Trespasserby; C/E edited by lucathia)

Dàgē and the others are right there!

"Calm down. You can go in after three days." Jiang Xiaotian patted my shoulder, the picture of absolute serenity.

I ground my teeth, gazing at the tall walls that were topped with barbed wire. This is no obstacle to me. I just have to get across, and Dàgē and the others will be there, waiting for me!

"I want to go in. I miss Junjun, I miss Dàgē, I miss Uncle and Auntie, and even the rest of the troop!"

Jiang Xiaotian shook his head, replying, "If the me from here were inside, then you could go ahead and force your way in. You'd be able to break out together in that case. But the mercenaries inside probably aren't them."

Why not? I glared at Jiang Xiaotian. It has to be them!

"Not a lot of the JDT have come over. I don't think I would blatantly declare myself as a 'mercenary troop.' I'd probably split them into two teams, each team pretending to be civilians who banded together."

I froze. That makes so much sense. How stupid would you have to be to declare yourself to be a mercenary troop in front of an army? You're just asking to be subordinated! My dàgē would never do something so stupid.

After finally regaining my senses, I pondered for a moment, then said, "There won't be two teams. Not all of them would come over. The JDT is carrying around too many supplies, so if they brought them all here, the supplies would definitely get taken away. So they probably only sent a few people, and the others would be somewhere close by, to protect the supplies but also be ready to jump in at any time."

Jiang Xiaotian gave a nod and continued, "In terms of personnel, I'd definitely be sent over. Yunqian would be on watch on the perimeter of the camp, using her sniper scope. For the remaining people, we can eliminate Uncle, Auntie, and Junjun from the list. Cain is a foreigner and Lily is a mix, so they're too eye catching. So it's probably Zheng Xing and Xiao Sha who are accompanying me. Xiao Sha and I could pass off as brothers, while Zheng Xing would probably be an uncle or something."

"Auntie might come." I gave the glaring Jiang Xiaotian an innocent look and said, "The last time Dàgē went to salvage supplies in the city, he took Auntie along with him. She has the ability to sense living things in her surroundings, so it should be pretty handy for finding people. And you'll be less suspicious if you have a middle-aged housewife in the group!"

Dàgē, Zheng Xing, and Xiao Sha is a combination that'll definitely get suspected!

Jiang Xiaotian frowned and nodded, not raising any objections. "So don't be in such a rush to get in. We can look for Yunqian in the surrounding area. She'll probably be hiding in a high vantage point close by."

When I heard that, my eyes lit up and I immediately set off to find Yunqian. But the moment I turned around, I saw a group of people with clearly hostile intentions. If their eyes weren't fixed on me, they were pinned to my backpack. Thankfully, they were mostly focused on my backpack, so there were at most a few glances at my face.

But of course! This is just four months into the apocalypse, so there's no way there'll be so many morally bankrupt and desperate people running around, wanting to rape someone in broad daylight. And we're talking about raping a guy, okay? That's too extreme.

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