Dominion's End V3C10: Returning Home, Part Two

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 10: Returning Home, Part Two—translated by Michimochi (proofread by Arcedemius & Lala Su; C/E edited by lucathia)

When I regained consciousness, it was because I was starving.

My stomach growled a whole symphony. I struggled to sit up. The entire room spun. I touched my chest; it didn't hurt. My injuries should be healed. This dizziness is completely caused by hunger.

Sitting up, my feet brushed against a sapling. Jiang Xiaorong had been placed beside the bed. He didn't react at all. I bet he's sleeping? Is there such a thing as plants needing sleep? I really don't know. However, Xiaorong can walk, shiver, and eat aberrants. Sleeping wouldn't be abnormal at all.

Slowly, I got out of bed, wanting to call Shujun over to make something for her almost-starved-to-death èrgē. Just when I gripped the doorknob, I heard voices outside and stopped immediately.

"How's your èrgē doing? Has, has he been..."

This was Dàgē's voice, hurried and miserable. He didn't even finish. Have I been what?

"I checked while I helped wipe Èrgē down." Shujun said quietly, "There was no visible trace. But if it's been too long, it can also be undetectable."

Wait a minute, when you helped wipe me down, you did what to me? Why do I have a very bad feeling about this?!

"Is that so?" Dàgē said in a calm voice. It was only a few short words, but they carried deep grief and remorse. This manner of speaking was too much like the Ice Emperor. My chest suddenly felt tight. Not wanting to continue listening to them speaking in such a way anymore, I pulled open the door. The two of them even jumped in surprise. This kind of remorseful and unsettling appearance made me both angry and amused.

"Shujun, when you wiped me down, what did you do? And why are you the one who helped wipe me down?"

I looked at Dàgē, shooting merciless stares filled with dissatisfaction. You let a girl wipe down a man? Siblings or not, one is eighteen and the other is fifteen. Do you think this is proper?

Dàgē awkwardly said, "Shujun insisted on it. She said she can't relax if I do it, saying that she was afraid my actions would be too rough and hurt you."

I'm already tier two. How rough can you be to injure me when wiping me down? Do you think you're the Ice Emperor...? Ugh, I can't make that kind of comparison. My chest hurts.

I peered at Junjun, carrying a disapproving look.

Junjun, on the other hand, had red eyes and was even crying. Before the apocalypse, she didn't cry this much. After the apocalypse, people clearly became stronger, yet how did she become such a crybaby?

She cried, "Èrgē, you don't remember how terrible you looked when you came back. The clothes on your body were all tattered and ragged. Your upper body was only left with a bit of tattered cloth."

Sigh, damaging clothes is unavoidable on the battlefield. It's not like those clothes were made of aberrant skin. They're easily damaged. Plus, Thirteen and I had fought, then I got shot several times by the MORC. To have these clothes still hanging on after that, these materials must actually have been pretty good.

"And you were barefoot. You weren't even wearing any shoes!"

In order to practice my ice ability, to be ready to fight at anytime, the Ice Emperor forbade me from wearing any shoes, so what could I do?

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