Dominion's End V6Prologue: Murder Your Way Forward

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Dominion's End Volume 6: The Unknown Elite

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Prologue: Murder your way forward—translated by Simone (proofread by Arcedemius & Trespasserby; C/E edited by lucathia)

Just as night fell, a white fog spread. Visibility was less than three meters, but fortunately the ground was a smooth asphalt road. Otherwise these conditions would cause most people difficulty even with walking.

Footsteps could be heard not far away.

I hid in the grass beside the road without a sound. Although the trees on both sides of the road were scarce, after the end of the world, plants grew wildly, and weeds like this were found everywhere. Although they did not grow into a vast grassland, they turned the whole world into a ruin overgrown with weeds. With such bad visibility, spotting anyone in the underbrush was not easy at all.

However, even though my movements were absolutely silent, I still attracted the attention of my opponents. They were a total of five people in black camouflage clothes, armed to the teeth. They held guns and carried at least two or three pockets worth of ammunition.

Suddenly, one of them halted and turned his head to look in my direction. I bided my time, not worried in the least.

"What?" the person next to him asked. "What is it?"

The man frowned and said, "Just thought something moved over there. You didn't sense anything?"

The other four shook their heads.

"It's not that I don't sense anything. There's just too much going on," one of them admitted. "I can sense something fishy in all directions."

As he said so, the rest of the people immediately looked at one of the roadside trees. From freely swaying in the wind, it turned completely still, as the entire tree became rigid. At first glance, nothing seemed amiss, but compared to the swaying trees and grasses on either side of it, there was definitely something wrong.

The five pretended they had not seen anything, their mouths twitching.

After the end of world, it wasn't strange to see all kinds of things move. Even if you paid attention to everything, it wouldn't be enough to take note of it all.

Then again, why did Xiaorong actively attack aberrants and occupy a small town back then? This was really puzzling, but I feared that I'd have to wait until he had evolved to be able to speak before that riddle could be solved.

The five men were still scanning their surroundings for a bit, but unfortunately for them the mist was too thick. Combined with the dense grass, they couldn't see much, and on top of that, the disorder around them became more and more intense, until it was apparent the "presence" around them was getting impatient. The five were too scared to stop again and hurried away.

I followed. Even though my movements were light, the others' vigilance was at a professional level. They looked back several times along the way. It was only because of these post-apocalyptic times that any sounds or activity along the way could be more than just me. They could keep looking, but there was too much that was wrong, too much for them to do anything about it. They could only see if there weren't any big obstacles and leave.

When they were far enough away from the main troops and were turning back, I saw my opportunity. The person walking behind the others had fallen a few steps behind because he was looking in the direction of some noises.

At that moment, I had already created ice skates under my feet. They were no longer like ordinary ice skates: the blades were 1.5 times longer than the soles of my feet, and they were as sharp as knives. If I slashed someone's neck with these ice knives, it was sure their head would roll.

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