Dominion's End V3C7: Thirteen, Part Two

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 7: Thirteen, Part Two—translated by Michimochi (proofread by EvlNabiki & elisa; C/E edited by lucathia)

"My head hurts real bad. His psychic ability is really strong. The Thirteen in this time period might not specialize in physical combat, Dàgē."

I probably wasn't too far off the mark, seeing how he couldn't stand the cold yet was able to instruct other aberrants.

Jiang Xiaotian, however, didn't care about Thirteen and only frowned. "Are you okay?"

How can I be okay? Waves of pain kept piercing my head, but compared to just now when I couldn't even talk due to the pain, this wasn't a big deal.

Rather than the headache, my main concern was that dream just now, which was more confusing. As I gained more and more past memories, I almost had the answer in my hand, but I didn't dare to think too much about it. I'd love it if I'm... but on the other hand, that's also...

I didn't dare continue that line of thought. I forced myself not to turn my head away, not to avoid meeting Jiang Xiaotian's gaze.

Chen Yanqing anxiously said, "Xiao Yu, your eyes are bloodshot and your face is still kinda pale."

No wonder Jiang Xiaotian was so worried and seemed to have given up on chasing Thirteen. I shook my head and said, "I'm fine. Let's go. Something's up with Maternibaby, probably the work of your fellow soldiers. They're going to be in trouble, what with Thirteen hurrying on over."

Chen Yanqing became even more worried at my words and hurriedly urged, "Then let's go."

I picked up my ice spear and stood up. When I walked over to that ice corridor, Blackie was still laying face down on the ground, his body practically frozen.

I silently crouched down, pointing the spearhead against Blackie's head. Then, I raised my head and looked toward Chen Yanqing. He stiffened then said, "Let me do it."

I nodded in agreement. Unexpectedly, Chen Yanqing did not hesitate and fired a shot, then managed to say, "Let's go."

Other than his slightly trembling hands, there wasn't any other sign indicating his discomfort.

"Don't worry about him." Jiang Xiaotian's voice carried a hint of admiration, "As long as he's got comrades waiting for him, he will be alright. This guy isn't half bad."

I nodded in agreement. See? That's why you can't blame me for always wanting to take him with me. When there's a capable guy, everyone wants to snatch him up. It's just a shame that Blackie...ugh!

"But you are not allowed to fall in love before you're ready, no matter how good the partner!"

...Dàgē, even if it's ten years into the apocalypse, when women are like buff men while men are like monsters, when people don't bother to maintain appearances, when basically a person's gender doesn't matter anymore, you still can't keep thinking day in and day out that your dìdì will be swindled away just because you saw some human! I haven't even decided what gender I like, so I definitely won't fall in love!

Wu Yaojin hastily said, "Don't settle with a guy. With your strength, having kids will be a huge contribution to the world. Genetics still play a huge factor!"

"Yeah, having children is good." Jiang Xiaotian approved wholeheartedly, then, in the next breath, he snarled, "But the children of my family are not to be used as contributions to the world. You better believe that I'd immediately make you die a heroic death!"

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