Dominion's End V4C5: An Unexpected Encounter, Part One

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Dominion's End Volume 4: Battle for Lan City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 5: An Unexpected Encounter, Part One—translated by Miaka_Mei (proofread by Arcedemius & Minthe; C/E edited by lucathia)

"We'll split up for the rescue. Gather them here, but only bring the quiet, obedient ones. Abandon them if there's the slightest resistance."

Xiao Sha nodded.

"The key point is not to push yourself too hard. If there's something amiss, prioritize your own safety first. If you really can't get away, then call out my name, and I'll figure something out. I mean it."

I couldn't resist giving out the order thrice. I was worried that Xiao Sha wouldn't want to endanger me, so much so that he wouldn't even be willing to ask for help and would end up sacrificing himself. If the sacrifice was worth it, then so be it. But I really didn't want him to die in vain when I could have saved him, simply because of some pointless misgivings.

Xiao Sha readily agreed, without any sign of struggle or hesitation. He didn't look like he would insist on not calling for help and taking on the burden alone.

Running out of time, I quickly instructed, "You'll save the ones who were running to the left and right, lead them here, and don't go anywhere else. I'll save the others."

Only two people had run straight ahead, and the aberrants chasing after them were far greater in number. However, a portion of the aberrants got distracted because the person climbing the house was unceasingly throwing stuff to lure away the aberrants, so that group of people hadn't been captured yet. However, they were unlikely to last much longer.

The house-climbing guy seemed to be in the most danger. The aberrants who had chosen to climb up after him had quite the skills, but that guy was surprisingly strong. He could actually climb up one building after another, crawling then jumping up and over. He didn't look particularly robust, and yet he had so much strength. He probably possessed a strengthened body related ability, or had already eaten evolution crystals... Someone is really gonna die if I keep on letting my thoughts wander!

Xiao Sha had already jumped down, making a beeline for the two closest people. Seeing this, I followed him in jumping down, deciding to first save the two people who were running straight ahead. Their position was only about five meters away from death. If we don't go now, then we won't need to go later.

Forming ice blades on the soles of my feet, I slid along and up the sides of the buildings. Gliding over railings, smoothly grabbing and hopping up window sills, I quickly moved past the group of people down below. I then jumped down into a small, dead-end alley. Both sides of the alley had moderately high windows, and they even had sturdy metal bars across them.

Crafting an ice dagger in my left hand, I kicked off the wall with one foot, jumped up and chopped at the window's metal bars, kicking it away with the other foot, breaking the window in half. At the same time, the sound of chaotic, panicked footsteps were closing in. I put the dagger away while rushing out of the alley and waved my hand toward the two people.

They were frightened out of their wits, and one of them had almost fallen flat. Seeing this, the aberrant behind them quickly put strength into his feet to pounce forward. I whipped out my arm and flung a knife at him, striking the aberrant's knee, and he collapsed onto the ground. The two people didn't look back for even a moment and hadn't noticed what was happening. The one who hadn't fallen down had continued running forward, and the other one who had fallen was quickly getting back up to flee.

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