Dominion's End V2C1: The Way Things Are for the Cool, Suave, and Handsome

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Dominion's End Volume 2: Aberrant City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 1: The way things are for the cool, suave and handsome—translated by Elkin (proofread by EvlNabiki & Trespasserby; C/E edited by Amgine & lucathia)

I finally managed to get out of the office, feeling dead tired. Having done overtime for the past few days, today, I could finally... only work two more hours of overtime.

Being able to get off work on time was like that LV handbag in the shop window—it was something you couldn't help but drool over, but had no way of affording! But never mind, the company's overtime pay was pretty decent and was in line with labor laws. Doing more overtime also meant more money, which was always good. That apartment I saw last time with Mom had looked quite decent, but it was such a pity about the price. After doing some calculations, I had realized that I had no way of affording the down payment, so I had no choice but to give up on it.

It's better if I continue working for two more years. By then, I'll be able to afford a house within that price range. Right now, the ones that are within my budget really aren't up to scratch...


I looked over, watching in surprise as a boy with a sunny expression jogged up to me. This fellow was always rash and careless like a kid. Every time I put on make up to go out on a date with him, people would always mistake me for his older sister. Damn it! I'm younger than him by a year, okay?!

I glowered at his vest, beach shorts, and slippers and asked, "Zhengu, why're you here?"

Xia Zhengu grinned as he replied, "To pick up my girlfriend!"

I purposely asked back, "Oh, your girlfriend? Is she pretty?"

He frowned a little, and shook his head as he clicked his tongue, "She looks kind of normal."

I unhappily gave him a shove.

Xia Zhengu blinked, feigning innocence as he said, "Just the normal kind of pretty is all. Really not all that pretty."

He really can't sweet talk to save his life! I rolled my eyes at him. Fine, normal kind of pretty is acceptable too. In any case, I wasn't any sort of beauty to begin with, so having the word "pretty" was already quite good for me.


Xia Zhengu slipped his hand into mine. He always habitually held my hand, no matter how many times I tried to train him out of it. I had sweaty hands! It was very embarrassing to have hands as clammy as these, and even though he always insisted that it was fine... All right, honestly, I was secretly quite happy about it myself.

"Exhausted," I replied weakly.

He scratched his head as he asked, "Why work so hard? I've already told you that I have a house of my own. So just live at my place—you don't have to buy one!"

I rolled my eyes at him again. It wasn't as if I hadn't considered marriage, but I was only twenty-five. Although I'd been dating this fellow for three years, it was hard to know what the future would bring. Besides, no matter what, I still had to give Mom a place of her own.

He said unhappily, "What, you don't believe me?"

Too tired to be bothered to argue with him, I just responded carelessly, "No, no, no, I believe you."

The careless tone of voice obviously pissed him off. He flung aside my hand and walked off ahead by himself. I gazed at his tall, slender silhouette and felt sorry for myself. Not only did I have to exhaust myself with overtime work, I even had to deal with my boyfriend's temper tantrum.

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