Dominion's End V1Prologue: Jiang Shuyu

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Dominion's End Volume 1: Raining Stars at World's End

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Prologue: Jiang Shuyu – translated by Elkin

The moment I opened my eyes, I was immediately aware of how weak my body felt, to the point where it was hard to even breathe.

Was I badly wounded? That said, I ought be grateful I was still alive in the first place, since the last thing I had seen before closing my eyes pretty much had me pegged as dead. I never imagined I'd still have a chance to open my eyes again.

I just hoped I wasn't injured too badly. In times like these, being a cripple was no different from being dead. That said...

Some might say it's better to be dead than alive.

At a sudden sound, I tried my hardest to twist my neck to look over. My vision was still very blurry, but I could just about make out a white silhouette walking in, all four limbs present and hale, all moving very naturally. So, it shouldn't be one of "those things."

That person didn't seem to notice that I was awake. They were bustling around in a world of their own. In the end, I could only speak up, though I didn't expect to hear such a hoarse, low voice. How many days have I been sleeping for?

It was a miracle I hadn't been abandoned.

"Where am I?"

The white-clothed person before me jumped and gaped at me with bulging eyes. It was only after a long moment that she screamed.

"Y-you're awake!"

Yes, a woman for sure. That scream is quite something. I really hoped we were somewhere safe; otherwise, that would draw plenty of unwanted attention.

She rushed over to the bed and started looking around frantically. I hadn't a clue what she was doing, but whatever it was, she wasn't helping me up or giving me a glass of water.

Although my vision was slowly clearing, I still couldn't see properly. I could only tell that I was lying in a white room, so white it was strange. It looked almost... clean.

"Where am I?" I repeated.

"Your home." The woman in white finally paid attention to me and gently said, "Don't worry, I've already pressed the call button. The doctor and your family will be over in just a moment."

My home? Call button? Family? I was a bit lost.

The woman in white didn't seem to plan on explaining further and my throat was screaming at me. At this point, there wasn't a single question that was more pressing than the biological need for liquids.


She quickly poured me a glass, but instead left it on the table where I couldn't reach and bent down to do something... Is she playing around with me?

I kept my face expressionless, unsure of how I was supposed to beg before she would hand over that glass.

Suddenly, the bed under me moved.

"Ah!" Could it be, this is—

The woman straightened and reassured me, "It's fine, it's fine, I just adjusted the bed so it's easier for you to drink."

I strained to move my neck and eyeballs, and only when I had confirmed that nothing else had appeared did I relax. Then I realized my posture had changed from fully horizontal to half-sitting up. I was bewildered. Is this a hospital bed? This was a rare thing in itself, and the fact that I had the chance to be lying in one was almost improbable.

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