Dominion's End V3C5: Those Numbers

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 5: Those Numbers—translated by Elkin (proofread by EvlNabiki; C/E edited by lucathia)

"A-are you two crazy or something? What the hell are you talking about?"

Blackie was so shaken that he could barely stammer out his words, and he stared at Jiang Xiaotian like he was staring at an aberrant.

Pissed off by his expression, I said in icy tones, "The world's gone crazy anyway, so two more crazies don't make much difference. Off you go. You should count yourselves lucky—not only will I actually do something to help you guys, I'll even take on the boss of the experiments. You guys only have to take care of his subordinates. Lucky you!"

Blackie's face didn't look like he felt lucky at all. Come to think about it, he's right. Maybe this entire troop is part of the Jiang family as well, with such misfortune that they have to confront the future elite of the aberrants?

As I continued down the corridor, I compressed a few layers of ice onto a dagger. Although the ice layers were very thin, the dagger given by Jin Feng was way better than those we'd picked up randomly at a weapons store. It seemed decently durable, and in any case, a dagger wasn't a blunt instrument and I wasn't stronger than an aberrant. Ultimately, my fighting style was to focus on attacking weaknesses.

Jiang Xiaotian quickly scanned the monitors above all the glass cylinders.

"Let's see which subordinates came from here as well... Ah, 'Asura,' Thirteen's most trusted war general. So he started following him from here. Hmph! This time, I'll make Thirteen have a taste of what it's like, having one of your own men made into a pet!"

Dàgē, I have exactly zero interest in taking an aberrant in as a pet. You're on your own if you get him!

Fortunately, we reached the end of the long corridor of the laboratory, and Jiang Xiaotian didn't say any other names.

"So only Asura?" Jiang Xiaotian sunk into deep thought, then suddenly blurted, "Shit, the crying baby sounds we heard at the start are probably from the 'Maternibaby.' The aberrants really have seized control of the entire research center and are luring people in for the kill."

"What are these three aberrants' unique characteristics?" I asked calmly and was rewarded with an appreciative look from Jiang Xiaotian. In that instant, my self-confidence exploded and my chest swelled to the point of becoming an A-cup.

"Asura is simply a war general. He wields dual swords and he can grow swords from all parts of his body."

That's pretty much a porcupine, not at all a simple war general, okay?!

"Thirteen is also a fighter. It's said that he doesn't have any weapons, and just uses his claws and tail. He even has hellfire and psychic abilities, but I don't know the details, since I've never actually faced off with him before."

As expected of an elite—his abilities varied across the different types to this extent. Are you sure he's not cheating?!

"As for the Maternibaby..." Jiang Xiaotian frowned as he said, "I've never heard anything about what her abilities were. I only know that she once went nuts and didn't differentiate between friend and foe, and demolished an entire city... Shuyu."

"Hm?" I was paying close attention to his words, and at the unexpected calling of my name, I almost couldn't quite catch up with the change in topic.

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