Dominion's End V4C5: An Unexpected Encounter, Part Two

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Dominion's End Volume 4: Battle for Lan City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 5: An Unexpected Encounter, Part Two—translated by Miaka_Mei (proofread by Arcedemius, Minthe & EvlNabiki; C/E edited by lucathia)

All the others were staring at her, their expressions so twisted that I didn't even have the heart to look at them. I reckoned that among these sixty people, young and old, men and women, any of them were more fitting of the title "weak and delicate lady" than her.

Xiao Sha spoke with a hardened look, "More than half of you are men."

"In the presence of a great hero such as you, each and every one of us is merely a woman!"


Hey hey, those thirty men or so behind you almost burst into tears.

Watching this familiar face in front of me laughing so brightly, I felt deeply disturbed. Had I really looked like this in the past?

No, no, absolutely not. At the initial stage of the apocalypse, although Xia Zhengu hadn't started getting into casual relationships with other women, sticking to flirting at most, I still couldn't laugh at all. Back then, I only remembered being terrified and panic-stricken regularly. Laughing was practically impossible, since I had to control the urge to cry almost all the time.

Now, Guan Weijun was here, and even Mom was here, but there was no sign of Xia Zhengu. I couldn't figure out what was going on with this Guan Weijun. And the opposite side had a total of sixty people, far exceeding the amount of members of the Jiang Dominion. This was too dangerous, but Mom was among them... I tightened my fists.

"Shuyu, come over here." Xiao Sha dragged me away. I obediently followed him to the side, and this "obedience" swiftly applied to someone else instead.

As if consulting his superior on what he was supposed to do next, Xiao Sha asked, "You're really interested in bringing them back just like that?"

I frowned and shook my head. "I want to look into their background first. Do you think there's something wrong with that Guan Weijun?"

"That woman is rather fishy," Xiao Sha agreed. "She's an ordinary woman at first glance, but her bearing and the thin calluses on her hands show that she has undergone training. But I don't know what kind of training she has done. Her profession probably doesn't rely on her fighting skills though. She doesn't have our kind of vigilance where we're constantly alert for people lurking in the corners. She's just an amateur."

Hearing what was said, I felt that it was far from good. This Guan Weijun had even received some training! What had I ever trained in during the past life? I'd probably only practiced my typing speed!

Xiao Sha walked a step closer, as if he were saying words of endearment, and quietly reminded me, "Shuyu, they're watching us. You need to decide quickly."

Knitting my eyebrows, I said, "We'll follow the original plan to go to the shopping mall. They live in Lan City and even have women, so they'll surely be clearer than you about its location. Let that Guan Weijun take the lead, and the others can help us carry the stuff."

"They have too many people, so they won't be able to move together."

I thought about it and felt the same way. Sixty people painted too big of a target, even if the nearby aberrants were oddly few in number. Coordinating a smooth operation would be difficult with so many people. Otherwise, there was no need for Guan Weijun to go and blow up a gas station.

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