Dominion's End V4Prologue: Disintegrate and Reconstruct

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Dominion's End Volume 4: Battle for Lan City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Prologue: Disintegrate and Reconstruct—translated by Michimochi (proofread by Arcedemius; C/E edited by lucathia)

"Chen Qianru died."

I was stumped for a moment. It's not that big of a deal, but then again, how did she even get endangered? Chen Qianru couldn't fight, and she hadn't even discovered her power. Logically speaking, she should have been in the safest place, where she was unlikely to meet any kind of danger.

Though now that I thought about it, wasn't I the one who had stayed home back then, and yet still got kidnapped by the bird? In the apocalypse anything could happen. An abnormal mouse might have bitten her life away.

Junjun explained what happened to those college students in further detail.

"I told Su Ying to hide in her room and avoid coming out, so as to prevent Dàgē killing her as well. The same with Ding Jun. Everyone told him to try staying out of Dàgē's sight."

What? Don't tell me that this means that Chen Qianru died under Dàgē's hands?

What the hell happened here? I really don't understand. Although Dàgē is not the type that would be lenient toward a pretty girl, he is definitely not the type that would kill for no reason, let alone a woman who didn't even have the strength to truss up a chicken. He still tolerated woman just a bit more than men.

"Why would Dàgē want to obliterate those college students?" I couldn't understand even after pondering over this for the nth time. Asking would be much faster.

Yet Junjun asked in response, "Èrgē, do you still remember the day that big red bird appeared, that there was a gunshot that attracted them to us?"

I nodded. At the time, I had Yunqian arm everyone while I had hidden myself in the attic to monitor the situation. Originally, the flock of carrion-bloom birds would have flown straight over us, but a gunshot from downstairs had attracted them down, which led to all that trouble afterwards.

"Back then, Yunqian-jiě handed out guns to everyone but was unwilling to give one to Chen Qianru. When none of us were looking, she stole one and even carelessly fired a shot."

So that's how the gunshot that made those carrion-bloom birds stop in their tracks happened!

I was speechless. Chen Qianru, could you have had even more of a death wish? If you don't know how to use a gun, don't take one. Did you truly think reality was like that of a movie where you could just take a gun and immediately become a sharpshooter?

"Èrgē, when you got taken by that bird, Dàgē almost went mad. He had already driven so far, yet he wasn't able to catch up. The bird was already out of sight. He had no choice but to turn the car back. After hearing from Yunqian-jiě about this, he killed Chen Qianru on the spot."

At this point, Junjun couldn't help but take a deep breath. She had probably found that scene quite horrifying.

"You didn't try to persuade Dàgē to be more lenient?" I rubbed my nose. Even though I was the victim, since I was able to return alive, the reproach and anger I felt was not that deep.

"No way!" Junjun rebutted, "I was mad as well! Èrgē, you were injured all over and even got kidnapped by the bird. She caused all of this! She didn't even know how to use a gun but still stole one. You suffered the consequences. Don't tell me I even had to persuade Dàgē not to kill her? I just wanted to zap her to death! Èrgē, think about it. If her actions caused me to be the one taken away, would you have tried to persuade Dàgē to spare her?"

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