Dominion's End V2C5: The Phoenix of Good Fortune

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Dominion's End Volume 2: Aberrant City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 5: The Phoenix of Good Fortune—translated by Elkin (proofread by Arcedemius; C/E edited by lucathia)

After eating the evolution crystal, I could finally take it easy, lie back, and relax. Even if I recovered too quickly, it might be because one particular evolution crystal was especially powerful. It has nothing to do with me, okay?

Lying there on the bed was extremely dull, and I really wanted to secretly slip out of bed and walk around to exercise. However, a certain somebody kept staring at me relentlessly, so I had no choice but to just lie there like a good boy.

I said expressionlessly, "Can you please stop staring at me?"

He replied with a bright smile, "Nope. Dàjiě wants me to take good care of you!"

I looked him over. Ben was a fourteen year old youngster who was fairly short. Fortunately for him, he wasn't too skinny or frail—if anything, he looked like he carried a bit of bulk. His somewhat dark skin and sunken eyes marked him a possible mixed blood, but his extremely local accent suggested that he had grown up in this country.

Although he called Jin Feng "Dàjiě," there was no way he was her little brother. Feng had mentioned that she only had an older brother, Jin Zhan, and a little sister called Jin Xiaoyue, making her the middle child. Her family structure was identical to mine... No wait, what am I talking about? Feng's a girl and I'm a guy, so how can we be the same? We both just happen to be part of a trio of brothers and sisters.

Pretty much everyone here called Feng "Dàjiě," and this wasn't in the sense of "older sister" but rather, "big sis," the head of a syndicate or organization.

So the Thunder God was part of the triad, while Dàgē had his own mercenaries to lead. I wondered about the Flame King's background. He probably wasn't ordinary either. No wonder they could become rulers in the apocalyptic world—they already had established footholds in the world, so how could us commoners possibly compare?

Actually, that wasn't quite true. There were plenty of people with extraordinary backgrounds, but in the end, only three of them had become humanity's elites. Anyway, all hail dàgēs! Regardless of whether it was my dàgē or Jin Feng's, they were both awesome!

"Besides, your expressions are pretty fun. It would be a waste not to watch!" Ben remarked in amazement, "No wonder Dàjiě likes you so much. You're good looking and interesting. If I were a girl, I'd also kidnap you to be my trophy husband."

I immediately wiped the emotions off my face. "I wasn't kidnapped."

Ben burst into hysterical laughter. He was clearly pulling my leg just now. It was obvious he didn't believe me, but I couldn't care less about that. In any case, people here viewed me as the boy toy that Jin Feng had taken in under her wing—and it was true. Jin Feng was giving me food, water, and evolution crystals, and in return, I lay on her bed and rested my body. If that isn't being a boy toy, what is?

At night, Jin Feng would come back to the room and even sleep next to me. If I weren't so grievously injured that all she could do was stroke my face and ruffle my hair, we'd have to censor what was happening!

"Xiao Yu, you're almost done recovering from your wounds, right?" Ben asked with a grin.

Like hell I am! I've only been resting for six days! Let's see you go fight a tier-one bird and get bashed by another one. I guarantee there won't be anything left of you to bury!

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