Dominion's End V2Prologue: Behind the Door (April Fools Version)

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Dominion's End V2Prologue: Behind the Door (April Fools Version)

Dominion's End Volume 2: Aberrant City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Prologue: Behind the Door—translated by Elkin (proofread by EvlNabiki and Arcedemius; C/E edited by lucathia)

Aberrants like the five that had transmuted from humans into dog-shaped aberrants were actually quite commonplace. Of course, this was referring to my previous life. This was probably because the animal most people were familiar with was the domestic dog, so that was why so many people turned into dog-type aberrants.

Later, these aberrants would evolve into a tribe known as the Dog People. They were widely feared, not for their strength, but for their tendency to move in packs. Whenever you encountered them, there was never only one, nor was it just a matter of one or two dozen. There would at least be one or two hundred!

But I'd only ever heard about the Dog People. If I had encountered them back then, I would probably have become Jiang Shuyu much earlier. Then again, if Jiang Shuyu hadn't been hit on the head by a tile, would he still have woken up as Guan Weijun?

In my original world, after Jiang Shuyu had been hit on the head, did he ever wake up...?


I snapped out of my reverie with Dàgē's furious shout. Before I had the chance to turn and apologize to him, five shadows had already leapt right at me.

I blanched and slammed the ice staff to the floor. With a twist and somersault through the air, I dodged past the five streaks pouncing at me. I even managed to kick one of the aberrants, eliciting a yelp that sounded like "gau."

Just when I was about to counterattack, gunshots suddenly rang out. I only had time to kick down one before the others slumped to the ground by themselves. Upon closer inspection, the aberrants either had busted brains or knives stuck deep in the back of their skulls.


I turned to look. Lily was embarrassed and still in firing position. She quickly hid the gun behind her, as if this would help hide the fact that she was the shooter.

To one side was the silent Xiao Sha. In contrast to Lily, he was extremely calm and had no intention whatsoever to try and cover up. In any case, there weren't any excuses he could have made—the knives were already embedded in the aberrants' heads, conclusive evidence of the culprit, so there was no point in arguing otherwise.

Dàgē glared daggers at the two.

"All right, I'm guilty." Lily raised her hands in surrender helplessly. "I thought Shuyu was in danger. I never expected him to dodge so easily."

"I owe him one," Xiao Sha said simply.

After Dàgē finished glaring at the two, he narrowed his eyes dangerously as he turned them on me.

I stabbed the ice staff toward the ground, busting open the head of the still quivering aberrant, then mimicked Lily in raising my hands in surrender. "I was thinking about 'the dream,' so I spaced out accidentally."

Dàgē growled, "You dare to space out when confronting aberrants? You're never going out by yourself in the future! If you ever dare sneak out, then you can expect to be chained up for the rest of your life!"

I lowered my head in apology. Even without Dàgē's scolding, I felt I was too careless. If Guan Weijun had dared to space out like this back then, forget surviving ten years, she'd have died a thousand times in one year!

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