Dominion's End V3Extra: Frozen Heart

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Extra: Frozen Heart—translated by Michimochi (proofread by elisa & Arcedemius; C/E edited by lucathia)

"Boss, just a bit further and we'll arrive."

Lily turned her head, revealing an ugly, centipede-like scar across her face, a sigh-worthy sight.

Jiang Shutian indifferently said, "You guys station yourselves here. I'll go in by myself."

Upon hearing his words, Lily felt a bit uneasy. For these past years, Jiang Shutian had risked everything just to return to the Jiang family. It was not long ago that they had lost Xiao Sha. The mercenary troop didn't have that many people left—those that were left weren't even senior-ranked members.

It could be said that the whole mercenary troop had almost been annihilated just for the sake of coming back to this place. If they had chosen to remain stationed where they had started, they definitely wouldn't have been like this today.

Under these circumstances, how could Jiang Shutian bear to greet failure? But in reality, they all knew that failure was just around the corner. It was just that he himself, from the very beginning, had been unwilling to face it.

"Let me come with you."

"I have to go by myself." Jiang Shutian coldly said, "No objections allowed!"

Lily shut her mouth, knowing full well that any further attempts would not work. The Jiang family had become a sore point for the boss. No one else was allowed to touch it.

She was only worried that once her boss saw the truth, this sore point would get out of hand all at once. What kind of consequences would that result in?

The troop was nearly out of people. If they lost the boss, Lily really didn't know where she could go. Of course, with her ability, going anywhere would not be a problem, but no place would hold any meaning for her. She had nothing keeping her anchored, only the JDT. If there was nothing left of the troop, she felt that she would not have the courage to continue on.

In this kind of world, your destination didn't matter. What mattered the most was whether or not there was someone to accompany you.

"Boss." Lily, in distress, begged, "I only want you to remember. We've accompanied you all the way here, even using our lives to escort you home! Please remember that I'm still here."

Jiang Shutian looked at her. He moved his lips, but in the end, he spoke not a single promise.

Lily turned her back on him. Tears rolled down her face, yet her tone was cold as she said, "Xiao Sha hasn't been avenged yet. As the leader of this troop, you have the responsibility to avenge him. Even if you die by Thirteen's hand, this vengeance must be dealt!"

A response finally came from behind her. "Yeah."

Lily felt relieved. She wiped her face. At least, she was certain that the boss would come back. As for whether he would purposely seek to die with Thirteen, that was a problem for the future.

When she turned back around, her boss was already far off in the distance. Under the setting sun, a path of ice crystals reflected the crimson color of the sunset. It was a gorgeous sight, yet Lily only felt it to be ominous, the color of blood. No matter how beautiful, it could only be a sign of bad luck.

Jiang Shutian took his time advancing forward. With his current ability, his top speed was something that outsiders could not even imagine. It was rare that he revealed his true strength since there wasn't ever a need to do so.

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