Dominion's End V3C9: Truth, Part Two

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 9: Truth, Part Two—translated by Michimochi (proofread by Arcedemius; C/E edited by lucathia)

Another burst of gunshots followed closely after, making me stumble. Finally, unable to hold myself up any longer, I toppled to the ground. My chest hurt so much that I was unable to breathe, and my leg throbbed in pain.

Thirteen lay to the side, like he had gotten shot as well. Just a moment ago, we were enemies. Now, we were fellow sufferers. He looked at me, shocked.

Dying next to a king of aberrants seemed pretty worth it. It's just that I really wanted to return to Dàgē and Junjun's side. There is little Dàgē here, but... but they really aren't the same...

"Shuyu!" Jiang Xiaotian's voice sounded terribly, awfully pained...

"Jiang Shuyu!"

I snapped out of my reverie and raised my head. In front of me stood a girl, a very pretty one—Of course, she can't at all compare to my family's Junjun.

What's her name again... Ah right, Miao Xiangling.

"Do you need something?"

"Um..." Miao Xiangling blushed, then took a deep breath and continued, "You previously mentioned that you would consider going out with me after the exams. Did you mean it?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. Usually, girls would take that as a rejection, but I really had meant it. Preparing for exams while dating would have been so tiring. Why go through so much trouble?

"I meant it. Are you free this weekend? Wanna eat lunch and watch a movie together? Let's meet at the lobby of Movie City. How does that sound?"

I promptly invited her first. Otherwise, always letting the girls invite me out is so not okay. Since we're giving it a try first, it's not like we need to immediately start dating.

"Perfect!" Miao Xiangling said as if a weight off her chest had been lifted, but she still said in worry, "Then, I'll see you there!"

I nodded. "See you there."

With the words still echoing in my ears, I realized I probably couldn't keep that promise.

There had never been a problem walking this way to Movie City, where I had often brought Junjun. But, this time was different. As I was walking along, a blast of pain suddenly hit my head. The pain passed, and my consciousness soon faded with it.

Before sinking into complete darkness, scenes flashed before my eyes one after another. It was a split second, but it felt super long, as if I had experienced a lifetime.

Beginning from a babbling age, to starting junior high, then high school, and finally studying at college.

Getting a job and a boyfriend, working hard to be able to get a mortgage and buy a house—all of that completely dissolved into sea foam within the Black Fog.

The apocalypse suddenly descended. There were scary monsters everywhere, yet they were nothing in the face of the bitterness of a mother's passing and a boyfriend's betrayal. In the end, my heart was torn into pieces, like ashes in the wind...

I am...

Guan Weijun.


I opened my eyes. Flakes of snow and ice crystals appeared in front of me. There was nothing more beautiful than this that could be imagined. For a moment, I didn't know where I was. Has everything finally ended? Is this heaven?

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