Dominion's End V3C4: The Laboratory, Part Two

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 4: The Laboratory, Part Two—translated by Elkin (proofread by Arcedemius & EvlNabiki; C/E edited by lucathia)

However, I just stayed right where I was and said, "That sounds like a trap. When you guys saw that monster just now, you fired off so many rounds and still weren't able to take it down. So what are those few shots gonna achieve? I can't think of any reason for doing that other than to bait us over there."

When he heard that, the second lieutenant's face darkened and he asked, "Then what now?"

How should I know?! Guan Weijun had at most snuck into a marketplace or a warehouse. She'd never broken into somewhere as high security as this place. This was a freaking secret laboratory full of aberrant experiments. If this had happened in my previous life, I'd have rather put a bullet in my own head than to come to a place like this. There were a million ways to die here.

I looked down at Jiang Xiaotian. The Ice Emperor was definitely the person with the most experience in breaking into places like this.

Jiang Xiaotian chuckled. "I wanted to see how far you could get. Are you throwing in the towel so quickly?"

"I'm still new at this." I didn't mind asking him. There was nothing shameful about asking the Ice Emperor for help. In my previous life, forget about hugging the Ice Emperor's leg to beg for help, I had never seen hide nor hair of him except from afar, so since I had the opportunity to hug the entire person, I had to make the most of it.

"Judging from the situation, the computer system isn't completely down. Send most of the troop ahead to scout, while we sneak into the control center. From there, we should have access to most of the security feeds in the lab."

Then, Jiang Xiaotian pointed at Blackie and said, "Take this guy along with you. He should be an information technology specialist, so you can let him handle any repairs."

Everyone stared at Jiang Xiaotian like they had seen a ghost. I couldn't be bothered to help cover up for him anymore, so I just said, "So that's that. My Xiaotian knows best. You guys keep going ahead, but don't move too quickly, or else I won't be able to inform you guys in time if we discover something."

I beckoned at Blackie and said, "Come on, Blackie."

Stunned, the second lieutenant exclaimed, "Wait a sec, how can you just go? If there's danger ahead..."

"If there's danger ahead, you seriously need me to protect you guys?" I glared and snapped, "What the fuck, guys?! Thirty soldiers aren't as good as a kid, a university student, and one soldier? Calm down and don't fucking panic. None of the existing aberrants can just brush off shots from thirty guns. The only thing you need to know to deal with them is this—blast their brains apart from far away. That's all you need to do!"

Finished with my tirade, I ignored them, turned my back on them, and left. Even if Blackie didn't come with me, it didn't matter. I'd save who I could, and if I couldn't, abandoning them wouldn't make me feel a shred of guilt!

"A-aberrant?" came the mumble from the second lieutenant, and only then did I realize I had accidentally let slip the term. Whatever, even if they found out, it wasn't a big deal. Soon enough, this word would become commonplace.

Blackie ended up coming along. He asked, "Xiao Yu, can you really take me to the control center all by yourself? The first thing the Lieutenant would have done is to order some IT specialists to head over there first. Of course, he'd send a couple of good men as well, to prevent the IT specialists from being killed off."

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