Dominion's End V1C7: The Coffee's Not To Blame, Part One

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Dominion's End Volume 1: Raining Stars at World's End

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 7: The Coffee's Not To Blame, Part One—translated by Elkin

Kneeling by the terrace on the second floor, I reached out to touch my waist and was immediately greeted with a sharp flare of pain. I was missing a chunk of flesh from my waist, and I had lost a fair bit of blood. Such a heavy stench of blood would attract aberrants, so I had no choice but to freeze the wound and blood.

I was such an idiot. My prized knowledge of the previous world had let me down—I never imagined that tier one aberrants would start appearing so early on. I'd thought that they only started appearing half a year in, so I had never imagined that one would make its appearance just one and a half months into the apocalypse. I had really been ignorant in the past.

Previously, around this time, Guan Weijun had spent every day fleeing for survival, with no clue about evolution crystals, so there was no way I would have gone hunting by choice. Therefore, I didn't know that tier one aberrants had appeared so quickly. Thinking back on it, it wasn't so strange at all. It seemed that I couldn't completely trust my past experiences.

Even though this was a tier one aberrant, as I was now, it was still manageable. Right now, the strength of my current body and the power of my abilities should have reached tier one, going by the standards in the previous world. It was simply because I had underestimated my opponent that I'd sustained a serious injury. My wariness really hadn't recovered to the same levels as when I was Guan Weijun.

That tier one aberrant was still looking for me down below. I'd injured his knee, so he was limping. He looked pissed off, like he wanted to rip me into shreds, deep fry them, and eat them with vengeance.

I assessed our injuries. Should I continue combat, or just leave?

After freezing the injury at my waist, it no longer hurt as much, but it would still definitely impact my fighting capabilities. So maybe I should just run away after all... No!

I started, shocked by that "No!" That sudden thought that had popped out of nowhere wasn't like me at all.

I still remembered that Guan Weijun was always thinking about escape, thinking that if I could just find somewhere safe, I'd hide there for the rest of my life. But he, on the other hand, was very hot blooded. He always wanted to kill off all those aberrants and always wanted to become stronger, so that he wouldn't ever need to run away again. So many times, I remembered ending up having to tow the defeated him along and escaping in a sorry manner.

But he actually started getting stronger and stronger, and soon, I was left far behind. Forget fighting shoulder to shoulder, even running away with him when he lost a fight became impossible.

One wanted to flee, and one wanted to fight. Neither person was right or wrong. If there hadn't been a me who wanted to flee, the him who wanted to fight would never have survived for long, even if he had twenty lives. Then again, he ended up becoming an ability user far stronger than me.

Do we have to fight to become stronger?

I looked down between the terrace railings at the aberrant. He was getting closer and closer, so I had to decide whether I wanted to fight or flee. Otherwise, I would miss out on the best opportunity—regardless of which option I was considering.

It's very rare for a tier one aberrant to appear just a month and a half into the apocalypse, so if we eat his evolution crystal, our abilities would grow a lot, right?

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