Dominion's End V2C9: Jiang Xiaorong

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Dominion's End Volume 2: Aberrant City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 9: Jiang Xiaorong—translated by Elkin (proofread by Arcedemius & EvlNabiki; C/E edited by lucathia)

I exited the house and dumped the pile of supplies on the motorcycle. When I looked back I saw the little face, which had been stuck in a gloomy expression for the better half of the day, watching me with a grim expression.

"Shuyu, you're lying to me, aren't you?" Without waiting for me to respond, he analyzed what I had said, "Even with a healing ability, I wouldn't be someone under protection. If you say this is the fourth month into the apocalypse, guns are still useful, and even without guns, I'd be able to fight with a knife."

I grinned and chuckled, "Of course. Dàgē, you really believed me? Don't worry, even when Dàgē's ability is healing, it's still awesome. There were quite a few times when I wondered whether or not your ability truly is healing."

He kept his eyes fixed on me, a faint smile crossing his face, and he remarked, "I'd forgotten you were this kind of person. I only remembered you were very protective of family."

My smile froze. Are you suspecting me or just reminiscing? Make it clear, Dàgē, I'm really nervous now!

But even if I was nervous, it wasn't to the same extent as earlier on when I'd rather be strangled to death. I want to live together with Dàgē, Xiaomèi, Uncle, and Auntie in the apocalypse. I am Jiang Shuyu!

"Is Shujun all right? Has she gotten used to the apocalypse?"

I nodded, replying, "Everyone's holding up quite well. If not for that little accident, we'd probably still be at home, with a basement full of supplies, shooting aberrants with guns, eating crystals, and training our special abilities."

Jiang Xiaotian started lecturing me in earnest, "There's nothing wrong with leaving, Shuyu. You must remember to never live too comfortably, because that will make you become weak. Since my other self's ability is healing, then you must be responsible for protecting the family."

This struck me as a bit strange. Although I agreed that I needed to become stronger, it felt wrong hearing Dàgē wanting me to take responsibility for protecting our family. You had to know, even if Dàgē's ability was healing, he had still taken on the mantle of protecting our family, and had even insisted that I get a love life!

And the personage in front of me was the Ice Emperor, okay? With him here, I'd be lucky if I wasn't relegated to the role of being a useless boy toy, but now he wanted me to be responsible for protecting our entire family? It didn't sound like what Dàgē would say... unless he was no longer capable of protecting me.

"Dàgē, can you still turn back into an adult?"

Jiang Xiaotian nodded, saying, "If I have enough crystals."

I fell silent. If I was reading between the lines correctly, that meant he had no way of transforming back without enough crystals. And given that the apocalypse had just started, it was impossible for there to be enough crystals to heal the Ice Emperor! He had been injured so badly that he had even reverted into a child, so just what tier of crystals was needed?

"What tier crystals do you need?"

Jiang Xiaotian shook his head, not responding. It was expected, since there was nothing either of us could do about it, so there wasn't much point pursuing this matter. I had better become strong as soon as possible; otherwise, how would I be able to hunt aberrants to rescue the Ice Emperor? Just the thought of me actually being able to save the Ice Emperor made my blood boil in excitement!

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