Dominion's End V3C9: Truth, Part One

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 9: Truth, Part One—translated by Michimochi (proofread by Lala Su; C/E edited by lucathia)

With the motorcycle, tracking them down was a lot easier. Even though Jiang Xiaotian felt I was wishy washy, Thirteen didn't seem to be a decisive guy either. His footprints revealed that his speed going forward was not that quick. This could also be because he was being dragged down by Asura and Maternibaby, who were both wounded.

I searched for hours. The beginning went pretty smoothly, but the later tracks were faint. Maternibaby had also stopped bleeding, becoming harder to track. It was going to be night soon. I had no choice but to slow down my motorcycle, in order to avoid skipping over any key clues. Luckily, because of this, I discovered a glow in the woods.

I hesitated before stopping the motorcycle. The aberrants of today shouldn't be able to start a fire. Although they aren't afraid of fire, they wouldn't need to start a fire. Most of the time, a human would still be the one starting a fire, especially since it's getting colder and colder. Even if it's dangerous, they still have to have some fire, or else they are so cold that they can't even sleep.

"It shouldn't be them, right?" I turned to look at Jiang Xiaotian, who was sitting behind me.

"Hard to say. Thirteen seems to possess quite a few human characteristics still. It's quite strange. So even if he is able to start a fire, it wouldn't be that shocking."

Hearing this, I decided to take a look after all. I parked the motorcycle on the side, grabbed Jiang Xiaotian, and entered the woods.

Jiang Xiaotian glanced at the motorcycle and said, "Your regard for your motorcycle only came this far, despite how much you loved it."

Don't tell me that I should send it off reluctantly? I rolled my eyes at Jiang Xiaotian.

As I walked in the woods, I was extra careful, though I questioned if this kind of action was useful or not. Psychic-type aberrants were always hell, especially the king of aberrants having a psychic ability. This was practically evil. Who knows if he has whatever kind of eye or not. Aren't all mangas drawn like this? Big brother's watchful eyes, glazed over eyes, and Sharingans, etc.

I'm obviously thinking too much. I haven't spotted any abnormalities so far. From far away, in the gaps between the tree trunks, I could see Pork Ball and Bamboo Sticks—I meant to say, Maternibaby and Asura.

Turning a bit, I saw an office worker about to burst his liver. Ah, it's Thirteen.

I couldn't resist wiping off cold sweat. How can these aberrants, who will be as horrifying as hell in the future, look so funny right now?

There were some people lying on the ground. I hid in the shadows, carefully observing those people. There were only six of them, entangled by the baby arms and legs extending from Maternibaby's belly. With them on the ground like that, I couldn't tell if they were sleeping or just passed out. I couldn't help but feel there was something wrong. Wait, they're all men!

Is the meat of men more delicious? I never heard of aberrants preferring to eat men, but the main point is: where's Beibei? It can't be that she has already...

At this moment, Maternibaby suddenly dragged one of them to her side. She raised the other's leg and was about to chomp down on it.

Suddenly, there was a soft cry. This clear and tender sound absolutely couldn't possibly be Maternibaby's normal voice; or else, I would regurgitate all that chicken soup that I had been eating in the apocalypse.

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