Dominion's End V3C9: Truth, Part One (April Fool's)

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Dominion's End Volume 3: Ice-Bound Splendor and Majesty

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 9: Truth—translated by Elkin (proofread by EvlNabiki & Arcedemius; C/E edited by Lucathia)

It's much easier to chase them on my motorcycle. Jiang Xiaotian thinks I've wasted time, but Thirteen hasn't gone all that quickly. It's probably because Asura and Maternibaby are both injured.

I searched for hours. The track was now faint, since there was no more blood. Night fell and I had to slow down. I spotted a light in the forest.

I hesitated and stopped my bike. Aberrants shouldn't know how to start a fire yet. They're not afraid of fire, but they don't need it either. It should still be humans. They're afraid of the cold.

"Is it them?" I turned to ask Jiang Xiaotian.

"Hard to say. Thirteen has a habit of keeping humans. Weird. It's not surprising if he has people who know how to start a fire with him."

I put my bike to the side and went over, grabbed Xiaotian, and entered the forest.

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