Dominion's End V4C9: In This Life, We Are Both Doing Swell, Part One

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Dominion's End Volume 4: Battle for Lan City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 9: In This Life, We Both Are Doing Swell—translated by Michimochi (proofread by EvlNabiki & Lala Su; C/E edited by lucathia)

After sleeping in for two whole days, I couldn't escape my chicken soup fate. Actually, the soup left no aftertaste in my mouth, so it wasn't particularly hard to finish.

Well, it was about time to face the problem regarding Guan Weijun. Ignoring her wasn't the way to go. I didn't know if the solution I had thought of would work though, and I was hesitant about carrying it out, but this was also the only way I could make it up to Guan Weijun.

With feelings of guilt, I looked down at the ice pattern on my left wrist... Hm? Has the color turned darker? Although it hadn't returned to its original shade, it wasn't as faint as it had been yesterday, like it was on the verge of fading.

This ever-changing shade is making me so nervous!

Forget it. This wasn't supposed to be mine in the first place. I forced myself to stop thinking about the ice pattern and walked out the door to find Guan Weijun, but Junjun blocked me right outside the door.

"Érge, where are you going? I want to go, too."

I frowned. If Junjun comes along, things might be a bit... Suddenly, I was hit with Junjun's ultimate puppy-eye attack. I immediately surrendered. I could face my big brother sternly, but once I was in front of my little sister, my body would turn into putty.

In this life, I'm a siscon through and through. Left with no other choice, I said, "Fine, but you have to promise me that no matter what I do, you won't voice any disagreements."

Junjun pulled her brows together and unhappily said, "Érge, what are you planning to do now?"

Eh, did I give it away again? Am I truly so helpless against the power of my little sister?

"A-anyway, if you don't promise me, I won't bring you along!" I put on my best stern face.

Junjun held up two fingers and said, "First, don't ever think of leaving home. Second, don't ever harm yourself. I don't care what else you do."

Let me think: does this count as harming myself?

"Érge?" Junjun's expression changed from a super cute girl to a fanged dragon lady.

I hastily said, "All right, all right. Érge will promise you anything! Let's go right now. I'm gonna find Guan Weijun and the others with her. Dàge told me to hurry up and decide whether to take them in or to have them leave quickly so they can search for food. Otherwise, chasing them away after all the food is already gone would be too cruel."

Junjun was extremely doubtful, yet she didn't say anything. She followed quietly behind me and murmured, "If you get hurt again, I'm going to make you drink chicken soup all three meals every single day."

Wait a minute. So you actually know that chicken soup is nothing but torture?

I speechlessly led the little sister who had gradually grown devious since the apocalypse... We descended down the stairs to find the living room occupied with a few sewing machines. Shoes covered the floor. Mountains of clothes were piled on the sofas and the tables. Obviously, the mercenaries didn't know what to do with this kind of stuff.

"Junjun, alter the clothes with me later. I want to make some uniforms for everyone."

Junjun asked curiously, "Aren't these the clothes you brought back? These clothes are already pretty, and everyone likes them. Zheng-shū even took a couple of coats to wear. Do we need to alter them?"

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