Dominion's End V4C4: Shangguan Family, Part One

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Dominion's End Volume 4: Battle for Lan City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 4: Shangguan Family, Part One—translated by Chizuru (proofread by Arcedemius; C/E edited by Miaka_Mei, Taffygirl13, lucathia, & Elkin)


I looked at Xiao Sha. He still had his guard raised, but from his expression, it seemed that he really did recognize the name "Shangguan Chenyang." Since the word "Shangguan" was mentioned, the other party probably knew Xiao Sha.

Xiao Sha shouted, "Show your face!"

"I can't! I don't know how I became like this. I, I can't get back to how I originally looked. That's why I got driven out. They think I'm a monster!" The shadow's shoulders sagged as he muttered, "I haven't turned into a monster. It's not like I eat people. I just, just..."

He didn't seem to know "just" what he was, though I knew very well. This change was similar to that of the brainwight that we had encountered before. It was a physical evolution, and a significant one at that. He didn't even have a human form any more. Looking pretty much like an aberrant, it would be hard for him to be accepted by humans.

Xiao Sha hesitated a bit. Then, he turned to look at me.

I grabbed Xiao Sha's arm and timidly hid behind him as I asked, "Chensha, is this person really someone you know?"

Xiao Sha nodded. "Yes, the voice sounds like him."

"It's really me!" Shangguan Chenyang hurriedly said, "Tánggē, don't you recognize your younger brother?"

"Your cousin?" I frowned, trying hard to play the role of a little boyfriend. I pushed him in discontent and complained, "Why haven't I heard you mention him before? You never tell me anything!"

Xiao Sha indifferently said, "I have more than twenty younger cousins. I'm not very close with any of them, so there is nothing to talk about."

"..." That's a really big family. Props to you that you can still recognize this voice that belongs to some unfamiliar cousin.

Shangguan Chenyang retorted, "At least you're more familiar with me than the others! We worked at the same company before, and I helped cover up for you when you skipped work several times. Have you completely forgotten me?"

There was a sour look on Xiao Sha's face. He had no desire to reply, whether or not he remembered.

Skipped work? I glanced at Xiao Sha. This guy was an office worker? Which boss was as broad-minded as the sea, to have actually recruited such a cold and taciturn person?

"Why are you following me?" Xiao Sha frowned.

"I, I was just wandering around and saw you by chance, so I tailed you."

Xiao Sha coldly snorted. "Sneaking around without showing your face? Are you trying to rob me?"

The shadow was silent for so long that Xiao Sha even started to grow wary. Finally, the shadow replied, "I didn't dare to show myself. Everyone has been afraid of me, and I got driven out from the family."

This time, it was Xiao Sha's turn to fall silent. Who knew if he believed these words or not?

Shangguan Chenyang bitterly laughed and said, "Tánggē, when I'm in this form, I could pretty much rob anyone successfully, so why would I specifically try to rob you? It's not like we've never fought before. When have I ever beaten you?"

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