Dominion's End V2C7: Dàgē, Dàgē

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Dominion's End Volume 2: Aberrant City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 7: Dàgē, Dàgē—translated by Elkin (proofread by Arcedemius & EvlNabiki; C/E edited by lucathia)

Traveling at night really was much more taxing than during the day. Along the way, I once again started accumulating a ton of evolution crystals, to the point where I had almost made up for the crystals that had been spent on that group.

I rushed onwards the entire night, and en route, I kept having to pause to fight or zig-zag quickly through streets in order to throw off large groups of aberrants who were on my tail. It really was dead tiring, but at least I made good progress. I'd originally estimated that I'd arrive home in the evening, but it wasn't even ten in the morning when I caught sight of the district where our home was located.

The exhaustion, however, was nothing in comparison to my longing for my family. If anything, my pace picked up when I saw our district. Starving as I was, not having had breakfast, I still didn't bother to stop for a bite. The faster I reached home, the sooner Shujun could prepare breakfast for me. No one likes rations! Even if those rations were prepared by Jin Feng, they can't compete with Shujun's home cooked meals!

I passed through a few more streets, so excited that I was practically skipping every step of the way. Then, finally, I spotted some familiar road signs. I just had to go two more steps, look left, and I'd be home sweet home!

One step, two steps, look left!

A cluster of huge ice crystals stood not far away, right where the house had once stood.

My mind blanked out, while my feet automatically broke out into a frantic sprint.

My home's gone! Completely gone!

Where's Dàgē?


Uncle and Auntie?

I sprinted to the front gates. The outer walls were undamaged, but the only thing left of the house inside those walls was rubble. There was even a huge cluster of ice crystals standing in the middle of the ruins. What the hell? I don't understand. Did these crystals fall from the sky and crush the house?

If this was ten years into the apocalypse, I'd understand. A very powerful ice user would be able to pull this off, but this was just the fourth month into the apocalypse! Even a tier-one user like me had no way of crafting such large crystals, much less smashing the house into smithereens. Just what tier do you have to be to create something of this scale?

"Dàgē?" I couldn't help but yell at the top of my voice, completely ignoring any potential enemies lurking around.


"Uncle? Auntie?"

There was no reply at all.

I walked into the walled enclosure, my footsteps dragging this time, and painfully forced myself to look around. I was terrified I'd see something I wouldn't be able to accept. But aside from the ruins of the house, I didn't see anything. I breathed a sigh of relief, then steeled myself and advanced toward the crystals.

These crystals are so huge that any one of them can brain someone... No, no, no! What am I saying?!

I circled once around the ice crystals but didn't see anyone. Not even a single speck of blood was to be found. This was beginning to feel a bit strange. It was like the house was empty.
So it just happens that no one was at home when the ice crystals came smashing down, and the house became so unlivable that Dàgē and the others moved out?

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