Dominion's End V1C5: Special Powers

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Dominion's End Volume 1: Raining Stars at World's End

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 5: Special Powers—translated by Elkin


I looked down from the rooftop and fired, hitting the aberrant behind him. It was only then that I realized Mom hadn't climbed up yet, and an aberrant had grabbed hold of her foot.

I once again aimed and fired, but the gun only made clicking noises—I was out of bullets!

"Save my mom!"

He was right above my mom and still had time to pull her up. With his strength, he definitely could pull up my mom.

I was hopeful, but then he turned and hauled up another person. And in that instant, my mom was dragged down by the aberrant and slammed heavily back to the ground. An entire streetful of aberrants swarmed toward her like locusts, and she lifted her head to look at me. She only managed a shout of "Xiao Jun!" Then there was no more.


My last memory of my mother was a spray of flesh and blood. I collapsed onto the ground, and then I looked up in time to see him helping another woman crawl onto the rooftop.

One thing only... My mind was filled with just one thing, and it was the impulse to strangle this person to death.

"Your mom was already so badly injured," he explained somewhat wearily, "Even if we saved her, she would have turned into an aberrant. And when that happens, you'll need to kill her with your own two hands. Isn't that even worse?"

"Getting injured doesn't mean she'd get infected for sure!" I wailed tearfully as I pummeled the bastard, screaming, "I saved you, so why didn't you save my mom?!"

He explained patiently with a helpless look on his face, as though his heart was really aching, "Weijun, Xiao Qi's healing power is very important. We can't lose her!"

I snarled hatefully through clenched teeth, "Can't lose her ability, or can't lose her? So someday, when it comes down to it, you'll choose to save her over me?"

"How is that even the same thing? Weijun, I love you! Believe me, I just want to protect you..."

Love? Bullshit! Like hell you're gonna protect me! I actually believed him. I was actually stupid enough back then to believe in his lies!

Women–how fucking stupid can you get?!

"Gē! Èrgē!"

"Shuyu, wake up!"

My eyes sprang open. A blurry vision greeted me, and my head was so foggy that I couldn't make head or tail out of what was going on.

Someone jumped into my arms, calling out urgently, "Èrgē!"


I stroked her hair, which was soft and smooth to the touch, then blinked. Only once I blinked away the excess tears from my eyes could I see Dàgē looking down at me with a face full of worry.

"I'm fine, really," I said with a wry smile. "Just dreamt of something from the past."

At the beginning of the apocalypse, my sharpshooting skills really were quite useful, and I had saved him countless times, yet I wasn't able to save my own mother.

Fortunately, I had fired to save him before discovering my mom's predicament. If I had noticed at the same time that both of them were in danger, and that I only had one bullet left, then the absolute dumbass that I used to be might have really ended up choosing to save him instead of my own mom.

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