Dominion's End V6C2: The Strong Don't Walk Alone

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Dominion's End Volume 6: The Unknown Elite

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter Two: The Strong Don't Walk Alone—translated by Simone (proofread by Arcedemius; C/E edited by lucathia)

I dug a pit to bury the bodies of the five soldiers, deliberately burying them next to the roots of a large tree. Expressionless, I watched as the tree roots reached out and trapped the corpses. Only then did I finally cover them with dirt.

Although non-aberrant trees didn't eat people, they did rely on nutrients from decaying organisms. I intentionally buried these corpses beneath the tree in the hope it would seize them and prevent aberrants from digging them up and eating them, which would increase their strength.

If these soldiers hadn't died, would any of them have become strong ability users?

Don't think about it!

I took a deep breath. Compared to these soldiers, I was much more convinced that strong ability users would turn up in the Jiang Dominion!

We absolutely can't allow the Shangguan family to snatch away our base, and more importantly, we have to keep the number of casualties as low as possible. As long as we have the Zhanjiang Garrison, with its ideal location that is both easily defendable and hard to attack, and slowly advance on Lan City, kill aberrants, eat crystals, and expand our territories, the Jiang Dominion will become the strongest for sure!

"Xiaorong, help me tie these guns together."

I had gathered all of the firearms of the five soldiers. Our luck wasn't bad, as there were two AK-47s. There were no M4 carbine rifles, but compared to our previous luck, I was satisfied with two AK-47s.

With Xiaorong serving as rope, I dashed back through the forest, running for quite some distance before halting. I lifted my right hand to the corner of my mouth and made a strange animal sound. Xiao Sha had told me that this was an owl's hoot, often heard in the forest.

Eight people silently rose from the underbrush. I calmly untied Xiaorong's rope, then threw the guns over, except for the two AKs, which I gave to a single person, the captain of the Ice Spears, Wen Jianuo.

Awareness struck Wen Jianuo. He looked at the number of firearms and asked, impressed, "Five soldiers?"

I nodded and said, "Keep two guns and send someone to take the rest back to the base."

"We're demoted to delivery service?" Chen Yanqing grumbled, "Xiao Yu, you're powerful, but you also have to give others a chance to show off!"

"It's not yet your turn to take the field."

I shook my head and said, "Your powers aren't suitable, and though you're experts with a gun, the sound of gunshots will draw the attention of most of the troops. Our only option would be to flee, unless you're able to wipe out the enemy in a sneak attack without using guns, to the point that they're unable to even open fire or call for help."

Wen Jianuo frowned and said, "If the only goal was to annihilate, we can be sure that the eight of us can succeed with a sneak attack against five soldiers on patrol, but to completely prevent them from opening fire or calling out, that we can't guarantee. Our opponents are also soldiers, so they're quite skilled."

I had figured the same, which was why I had gone alone. With my ice ability and the right timing, I was able to achieve a perfectly soundless execution!

"Everything is going according to plan. You only need to lie in wait here. I'll go on my own first to kill those patrols, until the enemy senses there's something wrong or I don't manage to keep them from making noise. At that moment, I'll draw the last wave of people here. You will gun them all down from afar and then run. Don't mind me, and don't get caught up in a fight!"

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