Dominion's End V4C8: Misplaced

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Dominion's End Volume 4: Battle for Lan City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 8: Misplaced—translated by Miaka_Mei (proofread by EvlNabiki & Minthe; C/E edited by lucathia)

When I came round, a blood-red and yellow sunset was reflected on the snowy leaves of the icy tree that had filled the sky, strikingly colorful like tears of blood, appearing as beautiful as a rose... Jiang Xiaorong, why the heck did you grow and fill the sky for no reason?

I crawled up and even had to push aside the branches all over my body, as I had been completely buried by tree roots. Frowning, I asked, "Xiaorong, are you protecting me?"

The banyan tree excitedly shook his tree trunk, even curling up his roots and tightening around me, as if asking for credit for how well he had protected me.

"Well done." I nodded, then asked with a slight smile, "Now then, tell me, how many caterpillar crystals did you eat while I was asleep?"

The banyan tree suddenly froze, as if he was just a tree that was incapable of moving. That shaking just now must have been caused by the wind.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Still playing dumb? Don't tell me there's nothing left? Besides, aren't you afraid of exploding from overeating? Now, hand over the rest of the crystals."

Ripping away the tree roots as I stood up, I looked down to check on my injuries—the tank top had vanished without any trace, and all that remained of the pants were several strips of rags hanging around the crotch area. This actually made it easier to see the condition of my injuries at a glance. The situation was slightly better than I'd thought. All of the wounds had closed, so I was unlikely to have had much blood loss.

Fortunately, I had eaten that tier one crystal before passing out. I really had no choice since my injuries were too serious. I had been a bit worried that I wasn't fainting, but was actually dying, so I had to eat it. Otherwise, I really wanted to save it for Junjun to eat; her strength must surpass her beauty!

I frowned while looking at the surrounding sunset scene, hoping that I had only fainted from early morning to evening. It better not be several evenings later now. If Xiao Sha had returned to the base for quite some time, then I'd be in huge trouble.

A tree branch carefully outstretched to the front, and a leaf spread open. Fine, tiny crystals occupied half of the leaf's surface. I looked down. It was not a small amount, so Xiaorong had only eaten one third at most.

I put away the crystals and said, "In the future, unless you're wounded and in immediate need of crystals, wait until I wake up to make distributions. Rest assured, you won't be losing out. As long as you follow me well, I'll ensure that you'll have no end of crystals to eat."

Xiaorong was so happy that the whole tree rubbed against me; however, he was just too big. Although not as excessive as the previous tree that stretched across the sky, he was still a banyan tree of ordinary size. Don't mention rubbing, just having a few branches shoot over instantly buried me.

Foiled, Xiaorong seemed quite displeased. He started to retract the branches and turn from a big tree into a bonsai. I haven't got the faintest idea of how he can grow and shrink like this. I really have no words in response to his flexibility of suddenly growing into a huge tree and suddenly shrinking into a small bonsai.

"Wait! Don't turn small just yet. Help me take some white silk."

I didn't want to walk in the city practically naked. Worse still would be returning to the base in the nude with injuries all over my body. My big brother's fury and little sister's tears were even scarier than the end of the world.

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