Dominion's End V2Extra: The Journey Home, Part Two

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Dominion's End Volume 2: Aberrant City

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Extra: The Journey Home, Part Two—translated by purplezero (proofread by Arcedemius & Elkin; C/E edited by lucathia)

Jiang Shutian was the first to wake up.

Reflexively, he touched his chest and confirmed that he was still alive. Then, feeling silly about such an action, he lowered his hand with a bitter smile. That wave of pain had been so terrifying that he thought he was going to die.

He turned around, looking at the others, and saw that red-haired Jenny was moving. She was lifting her head up.

"Up already? Wake up the others. We need to hurry and hit the road ..."

Jiang Shutian's sentence trailed off. She raised her head and looked straight at him, her face covered with translucent fish scales. Her mouth ripped open, revealing a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Her throat even had lines of openings that fluttered non-stop. They were fish gills!

But he could still tell from that face that it was Jenny. Jiang Shutian didn't know how to react. He even began to worry about what he currently looked like. Could it be...

Jiang Shutian abruptly pulled his gun out and aimed at the half-monster, half-human Jenny—she was pouncing at him. He hesitated for a second but in the end, he could not bring himself to shoot, choosing to duck aside instead. However, something swept at his legs, almost tripping him. He looked down to discover that Jenny's legs had morphed into a large fish tail.

With the body of a human and the tail of a fish, she was practically a mermaid. But the mermaid in front of him was absolutely nothing like the beautiful ones from fairytales. The fish tail was a wretched shade of green, as if mold were growing on it, and spikes jutted out of it.

Jiang Shutian aimed at the fish tail and fired a few shots. She was in so much pain that she leapt non-stop, shrieking like a strangled chicken. By now, the muzzle had already moved to point between Jenny's eyes. Jiang Shutian gazed at that face that was both familiar yet foreign, struggling to shoot. Before he could open fire, a throwing knife had stabbed into her head, and she slowly sagged to the floor.


Jiang Shutian turned his head. Xiao Sha was looking at Jenny in alarm.

Xiao Sha still retained the appearance of a human. Judging from the way he was looking at himself, Jiang Shutian could conclude that he also appeared human.

"What is that thing?" Xiao Sha asked in disbelief.

Jiang Shutian opened his mouth and only then realized that from Xiao Sha's angle, the large fish tail had blocked more than half of his view. He had probably not realized that this was Jenny and had only seen a monster attacking his boss, thus he was able to act so decisively.

He hesitated over what to say. But the next moment, someone grabbed his ankle. Jiang Shutian looked down and saw Jenny yawning her mouth wide open, about to take a bite of his leg.

Bang, bang, bang!

Jiang Shutian fired three consecutive shots and blasted away most of her head.

In that moment, he completely understood what kind of apocalypse this was: it was terrifying beyond expectation.

With such a great commotion, some of the others woke up in a daze.

Jiang Shutian surveyed the inside of the car and then pressed the muzzle of his gun to the head of furry monster with a snout.

It was Wu Zaiyu, the rookie mercenary, Wu the Ewe. He had always said that once he married a girl, he would then be able to raise a dog with her at home. Cain had always teased him that he was marrying just to get a dog. But before the rookie could realize that future, he had turned into a dog himself.

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