Dominion's End V5C6: Everything's Great

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Chapter 6: Everything's Great—translated by Miaka_Mei (proofread by Arcedemius, Xuan & Trespasserby; CE edited by Simone & lucathia)

Facing the brother-in-law whose leg I had personally broken, I was so nervous that my hands were fidgeting. Fortunately, Jin Zhan only shot me a glance, seemingly not interested at all, and continued eating. On the other hand, the two women at the side were filled with enthusiasm and kept on staring at me.

"Is this Xiao Yu?" One of the women, who seemed older in age, said warmly. "Come, have a seat. There's no need to be shy, we're all family after all."

And just like that we became family! I inwardly chuckled. The Thunder God and Ice Emperor are one family? The whole human race is going to celebrate!

Jin Feng pulled me down to sit, and right away ordered someone to serve me a bowl of rice. I held the bowl of rice with shaking hands. I had just broken the Thunder God's leg, and now with all these black-clothed men in the dining hall staring at me, all of my hairs were standing on end. I feel like I'm gonna get hacked apart with knives from every direction at any moment!

Jin Feng gestured at the woman seated at the round-table and introduced her. "This is my lil' mom. You can just call her 'Lil' Mom.'"

Lil' Mom? Her form of address sounds a bit odd. I looked at the person called "Lil' Mom." She was a woman who didn't look like a mother at all. She was wearing a light green blouse and white long skirt. She had a slim figure and a refined and beautiful appearance, looking very much like a girl from a wealthy family. I couldn't exactly tell how old she was, but she couldn't possibly be Jin Feng's mom. Considering her "Lil' Mom" nickname, she was obviously the stepmother!

Jin Feng smiled. "Lil' Mom is very young, but you still gotta call her 'Lil' Mom.'"

"Hi, Lil' Mom. I'm Xiao Yu." I couldn't help but to speak in a soft voice to prevent Jin Zhan from recognizing me, but I also couldn't exaggerate it too much or Jin Feng would wonder why I had changed my voice for no reason. This wasn't easy to handle at all!

Lil' Mom instantly broke into a smile and shoved something over. I looked down to see that it was actually a red envelope. What the heck? Nowadays, paper money isn't even used for wiping one's ass... Wait a sec, the thing inside of here isn't flat. I didn't dare open it to take a look, and could only sneakily rub it as I put it inside my pocket. Its size and irregular shape... an evolution crystal?

"It's a wedding gift." Jin Feng explained.

Say what? I was at a loss.

Jin Feng continued introductions. "That's my bro. His name is Jin Zhan."

Jin Zhan glanced over. This time, I readily and instantly shouted, "Hi, Jin-gē!"

Jin Zhan gave an indifferent nod. He shot a meaningful glance at the person standing behind him and they immediately handed over a red envelope to me. This is...?

I didn't understand what was going on, but considering that I was staying in someone else's domain, I should just obediently accept anything that was being offered to me.

"And lastly, my lil' sister—Jin Xiaoyue."

Jin Xiaoyue seemed to be made from the same mold as Lil' Mom, appearing very similar to her. They're most likely biological mother and daughter, though they look more like sisters. Jin Xiaoyue had a gloomy look on her face, so she didn't seem as nice as the smiling Lil' Mom.

"Feng-ér has a good eye." Lil' Mom said with a smile, "Xiao Yu looks like a good kid."

"What's so great about being a good kid—"

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