Lesson 20

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Andy's POV:

Before I knew it, it was the night of the Halloween dance for the school. I was in my bedroom putting on the final touches to my White Rabbit costume. I wore a jacket similar to the rabbit in the live action movie and a black top hat that had white rabbit ears attached to it. I clipped the fake pocket watch onto my jackets pocket and did one final turn around in the mirror before I was satisfied and made my way downstairs. I checked my phone to see I still had 30 minutes before I had to go to the school so I decided to go ahead and head out.

After I arrived at the school a car pulled in next to me and as I stepped out I realized it was Chris. He got out of his car and smiled at me waving his hand.

"Hey there. Nice costume." He pointed out as he came around to stand in front of me. I smiled thanking him and got a good look at his costume.

"Ahh, Dracula I assume?"

Chris just smiled and thats when I noticed he had very realistic looking fangs on. His dark eyes were done up in neat shadowy makeup and he wore a few piercings on his lips. He wore a black and red Victorian style suit and his long black hair was slicked back with a few strands hanging over his forehead.. Damn....I never realized just how sexy he actually was.

"You know it. So, you ready to go in now?"

I nodded and we both made our way inside the school gymnasium where there was already some staff members setting up for the dance. There was a dj in the corner setting up his equipment. He was new. We usually hired the same person to dj all of the dances but he seemed cool. And he was rather cute with his half shaved head and thick glasses on his face. We found Maria holding a clipboard in her hand directing a few staff members around so we went up to her.

"Hey you two! Wow you both look great!" She chimed. We thanked her and I even complemented her on her costume. She was wearing a long white dress with some gold accents along the bottom and a slit on the side. Some gold gladiator slippers decorated her feet. Her long blonde hair was curled and she wore a crown of purple flowers on top of her head.

"Thanks! I'm supposed to be Aphrodite." She did a little twirl before looking down at her clipboard. "Alright, Chris I'm gonna have you on streamers and balloons with Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesley. Andy you can go help Mrs. Gonzales and Mr. Johnson with the food and drinks."

We both nodded and went our separate ways to go to our assigned locations. The other two teachers and I chatted for a while as we set up the food table. One of them brought up Ashley Purdy and my stomach felt a bit uneasy at the mention of him.

"He can be so difficult to work with but I can tell he's smarter than you think. He's doing very well in my class but just keeps it on the low." Mrs. Gonzales continued as she poured some chips into a large bowl.

"Yeah, he does well in my class but I often find him showing up late or falling asleep." Mr. Johnson chimed in.

The two kept going back and forth about Ashley before one of them asked me about him.

"Umm, well yeah he's always on time for my class, grades are decent, he just likes to act a fool." I sighed.

After we were done setting up the table the new dj had some music playing so Maria went to open up the doors for the students to come in. The lights were turned down and replaced with colorful changing lights. Soon enough students started to pile into the gym and the dance had officially begun. My job was to basically just walk around to make sure the students weren't getting too touchy and rowdy with each other.  An hour must've passed by when I spotted a familiar face in the sea of dancing bodies.

Ashley Purdy.

His costume was.....wow...He was wearing tight leather pants with a studded belt, a black tank with a leather vest over it, showing off the few star tattoos on his arm. Black leather boots bore his feet and a black police officer hat sat on top of his head. I couldn't tell if he was supposed to be a biker or some bdsm cop but either way he looked....

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