Lesson 14

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Andy's POV:(the next morning)

Everything was black. I lifted my hand in front of my face but I couldn't even see it. I looked around hoping to find some sort of light but to no avail. I started feeling a numb throbbing in my head and reached up to touch it. As I did this I felt something shifting next to me and thats when I realized my eyes were shut. Slowly prying my eyes open, light appeared and almost blinded my vision. I rubbed my eyes with my fingers but soon regretted it when I saw black makeup on them. The headache seemed to get worse as I adjusted my eyes to the light and I let out a groan.

"Wha....t...happened last night?" I mumbled to myself as my eyes examined my surroundings. I slowly sat up in bed and checked to see I was back in my room.

I sighed as the drunken memories from last night slowly began to flood back into my head. I chuckled slightly as I remember how idiotic CC and I must've been towards poor Jake. As I ran a hand through my messy hair, I suddenly remembered the hot stranger. My eyes widened as I looked at the other side of the bed but it was...empty? My eye brows furrowed and I felt a bit upset that he was gone. I barely remember what he looked like or what we did but the least he could've done was sleep in with me.

Shrugging it off I got up from bed stretching my sore back before going into the bathroom. I turned the shower on waiting for it to warm up and went over to the mirror. My eyeliner was almost running down my eyes like tear drops, I had lipstick smudged on my lips, probably from the guy. And....oh God. I stretched my neck out a bit to see  I had a few hickies lining around my neck and chest. Fucking hell. I'm gonna need to keep those covered for school this week.

As I stepped in the shower I immediately felt a sharp sting going down my back as the water hit me. I continued to finish up before stepping out and going back to the mirror. I turned around looking back to see I had scratches running down my skin. I let out a groan as I grabbed my towel wrapping it around my waist. As I walked out of the bathroom I looked up to see something laying on my nightstand. I raised a brow as I don't remember seeing that earlier. I went over to see it was a note and I opened it.

"Had a great time last night. Here's my number if you ever wanna do it again sweetface ;) -your Outlaw"

My face felt warm as I read this and I set the note down back where I found it. Should I call him? No, he's probably home now and passed out. I shouldn't bother him. He wouldn't have given me his number if he didn't wanna hear from me again...maybe I'll text him later. I saved his number to my phone under 'Outlaw' quite liking that nickname and then I checked to see it was 12pm.

I went downstairs after getting dressed to find Crow patiently waiting by their food bowl which I quickly filled up feeling bad he had to wait. After that, I went to make myself some coffee and take some painkillers to rid of my headache.

"What a night...." I muttered to myself as I sat down at the table with my coffee and a bagel. I pulled out my phone to see I had a text from Jake so I opened it up.

"You really went off the rails, but it was nice to see you having a good time for once bud. Hope you get home safe. Text me when you wake up."

I chuckled a bit and texted back that I was fine and thanked him for the night out. When I finished my coffee I went into the living room and grabbed my laptop to see if I had any emails from the school I might've missed. As I scrolled I saw an email from the principle stating details for the upcoming Halloween dance saying they needed chaperones. I let out a small groan thinking back to last years Halloween dance when the seniors released several real bats in the gym and we had to end the dance early. I'm surprised the schools still going to have it.

After reading through the email I decided to send Mr. Cerulli a message to ask if he would be volunteering. I didn't wanna go unless he went because he's the only teacher I got along with. After I sent the email I closed my laptop and turned on the t.v flipping through the channels until I got bored and just left it on the weather channel. I decided to get up and go make some lunch in the kitchen before hearing a knock on my front door. I peeked into the peephole to see Jake and CC standing there. I opened the door only to be pushed to the side by CC who went over to my couch where Crow was soundly asleep.

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