Lesson 10

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Andy's POV:

"Alright class, we'll pick this back up on Monday. Have a nice weekend. You're all dismissed."

My students all clamoured to get their things together and shoved each other to get through my door. I stood up from my seat to erase the board when I saw someone from the corner of my eye. My eyes turned to see Ashley still sitting in his seat in the back with his head down and arms folded across the desk.


I approached the young man and stood in front of him folding my arms across my chest. He didn't budge. I let out a sigh before reaching down to his text book and violently pushed it off the desk causing a loud crash. Ashley immediately lifted his head up letting out a loud gasp. His chest was rising up and down as he looked up at me with wide eyes but he immediately let out a huff.

"Well good morning star shine." I said in my most sarcastic tone. Ashley just rolled his eyes at me before standing up in his seat grabbing his bag and shoved past me.
I followed him as he tried to exit my class but I was quick to go ahead of him and slam the door shut.

"What the hell dude?" Ashley raised his voice slightly. I raised a brow and I don't know why I did what I did next, but I found myself grabbing Ashley by his shoulders and pinning him to the door.

His eyes met mine and I made sure to look deeply into his. I wanted to find something. Some kind of vulnerability, some sort of sign on who he really was. As I stared into his eyes I took advantage and examined his face. His cheeks were slightly sunken in, lips soft looking but thin. No make up today but he had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days.

My face softened up as I slowly loosened my grip on him and for the first time ever, Ashley looked vulnerable.

"I... I'm sorry Ashley. I just..."

"You don't need to worry about me. I'm fine teach, I just stayed up late fucking around. Can I just go now?"

Ashley turned his head so his hair covered half of his face. He was biting his lip a little too hard and I let out a soft sigh. 

"Ashley, are you...." I paused. Should I even ask? No, of course I should. Even though he was annoying brat with me, this can't be how he behaves at home. He's hiding something.

"Ashley is everything okay at home?"  I almost whispered the last part.

Ashley's POV:

"Ashley is everything okay at home?"

My eyes widened when I heard his question and my first instinct was to just shove him away from me. Mr. Biersack stumbled back hitting his lower back on his desk. He flinched as he made contact and looked up at me. I felt my lower lip tremble as I realized what I had just done. My teacher stood back up straight, his concerned look not leaving his face.

I hated that look. The look of pity. If anyone knew what was going on in my life they would just look at me with that stupid pity look!

A small growl escaped my throat as I turned to open the door and I quickly dashed outside. I could hear my teacher calling my name out but I ignored him. I said screw my next classes and just left the school. I went over to my car unlocking it and just sat in there covering my face with my hands.

My lap was getting wet. I could see water drops staining my grey jeans and I went to wipe my eyes.

How dare he ask such a question! He doesn't understand anything about me! I'm the most popular guy in school, every girl wanted me and every guy wishes they were me! I had everything I wanted, popularity, girls left and right, a nice ass car. Everything I wanted! What else could I ask for?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a soft knock on my car window making me jump up. I looked to see it was Ricky at my passenger side window. He smiled softly and I couldn't help but smile back. I wiped my eyes quickly before unlocking the door letting him in. He slipped into the seat next to me closing the door. We sat there in an awkward silence for god knows how long. The only sounds I could hear were the birds outside and the voice of some students in the distance.


Ricky cleared his throat. I peered over at him to see he had pulled out some kind of sketch book and a pencil. Curiosity got the better of me and I casually peeked over. My brows furrowed when I saw he was drawing a picture of me hunching over my steering wheel like I was just doing a while ago.

"Sorry, I usually just draw what I feel or see. Mostly the vulnerable sides of others." He hung his head over slightly before continuing to sketch. It was actually really nice. I didn't know how to draw that well but Ricky was very talented in that.

Is it that obvious?" I let out a dry chuckle as I wiped my eye with the back of my hand. I didn't look up as I felt a hand gently lay against my lap.

"Well, yes. But it's okay to feel that way sometimes. Or even most times. I know I do, but I try to see the positive in life you know? It sounds hard but eventually it'll happen." That's when I looked up to meet Rickys soft blue eyes. He had a small smile across his cute lips and for some reason I felt drawn to them.

Without thinking twice I leaned in and pressed my lips against Ricky's probably catching him by surprise. I quickly pulled away to see his eyes widened in shock and I looked away.

"S-sorry, I just-" Ricky stopped me mid sentence by grabbing my face with both hands and leaning back in to my lips now catching me by surprise. We kissed for what felt like forever, just letting our lips dance against each other in perfect synch. After a while we both pulled away and I just got lost in his beautiful blue eyes. They looked almost like....

No! This dumb little crush on my teacher is done. I need to just move on before I get hurt by those feelings.

"Umm, I should probably get to class. I'm already late." Ricky chuckled softly. I smiled and just nodded.

"Okay, well I'm just gonna take a drive. I'm not really feeling too good right now." Ricky nodded and leaned in giving me a peck on my cheek before exiting my car.

"See you later? I have to go to the auditorium after school but I can text you?" He asked sweetly. I nearly melted at how stunning this boy was. His face was just so pure and full of innocence.

"Yeah, let me know when you're done so I can pick you up." I sent him a sink causing him to blush before he walked away.

I watched as he rushed back into the building and I couldn't help but smile. My heart was racing, I felt like I was floating on a cloud. I've never felt like this before. And all we did was kiss. I've kissed so many girls and it was never the same with them. They were all just stale and bland.

After a while of just sitting there I decided to leave. As I drove around, Ricky stayed on my mind. Our kiss. I started getting nervous because this was my first time feeling like this. How do I react? Should I ask Ricky out? Or was it too soon for that? Maybe for a date? Or stay as friends just for a little while longer until I can figure things out.

As I rode around town something in the back of my mind kept poking at me. Something I was trying my hardest to push back and never let back out.

Mr. Biersack....

Wow so much drama! I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you guys think? Will Ashley go for Ricky and try to forget Andy? or will Chris finally just tell Ricky the truth and risk getting fired? Let me know all of your thoughts, questions or opinions in the comments! And stay safe my Purdys<3

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