Lesson 6

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Ricky's POV: surprise!

It was Wednesday and I just finished up with my final class. As the bell rang, I quickly stood up to put away my books and made my way out to my locker. Just as I unlocked my locker door, I heard a familiar voice call out my name. I turned to see the same girl I talked to during Mr. Cerulli's other class. Ash I think. She smiled at me leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Hey Rick bear. How's it going?"

My face felt hot when she gave me that nick name but I just shrugged.

"It was okay. Yours?" I asked rather quietly. The half headed girl just giggled and handed me a small sheet of paper that had been folded a few times.

"I'm just a little messenger crow delivering some news. I'll see ya around cutie pie." Ash waved before skipping away down the hallway. I watched with curious eyes before looking down at the piece of paper wondering who it could be from. I shut my locker and was about to walk away until someone caught my attention from my side view.

It was Mr. Cerulli.

He was leaning against the frame of his classroom door just across from where I was with a small smile on his face. My face felt warm but I just smiled back waving him off and continued to where the buses were. Once on my bus I sat in the very front behind the driver so the other students wouldn't get away with picking on me. Which happens daily it seems. But I trusted Ronnie because he didn't tolerate any bullshit from anyone, teachers or students. I sat back in my seat waiting for the bus to take off and decided to read the note that was still in my hands. I unfolded the paper and saw a note written in familiar cursive.

'I heard from one of my students that you enjoyed playing music. I won't say who it was but if you're too shy to play, I can have Mr. Biersack squeeze you into his after school program so you can get comfortable with the idea. I know you can do it. Think about it and get back to me ASAP. -Mr. Cerulli'

My heart skipped a beat when I read his name and I held the note against my chest. Who could've..

Ash Costello. Of course she would. I playfully rolled my eyes at the thought of the silly girl but went back to think about the note. Mr. Cerulli has never heard me play, nobody has. The only people who have heard me play was my mom and my best friend Devin who was homeschooled. They both said I sound amazing but just like the note says, I'm too shy to play in front of anybody else. It would be nice to, but my social status and social anxiety were already at an all time low. What if they laugh at me?

"Rick? You alright kid." My head shot up when I heard Ronnie's voice and I realized he was already dropping off the first group of kids. I nodded shoving the paper into my bag and sighed. Ronnie peeked up at me from his rearview mirror and raised a brow. I leaned forward enough to talk over his shoulder so nobody else could hear me.

"Mr. Cerulli sent a note to me asking if I would be interested in joining Mr. Biersack's after school music program."

Ronnie stopped the bus letting out another student before taking off again.

"That's good right? You always talk about how much you love music. Ya gonna do it?"

I bit my lip as I sat back in my seat and all I could do was shrug my shoulders.

"Give it a try. That won't hurt to try." Ronnie smiled up at me.

He's right though.

After I got off and said bye to Ronnie, I went up to my little apartment complex and up to my door. I was ready to unlock it when I heard the pitter patter of little feet on the concrete and I turned to see it was a dog. I flinched a little when It started sniffing around my legs but he let out a bark and wagged his tail around. Now I'm not a big dog person, but he seemed nice. He looked like a small shitzu. I examined him a little bit and noticed how thin he was, I could see the outline of his ribs.

"Are you hungry?" I asked quietly and the little guy just stuck his tongue out looking like he was almost smiling. I chuckled and opened up my door holding my hand out hoping he would wait outside. I looked around the kitchen after dropping my bag on the sofa realizing my mom wasn't home yet. She must be working late again.

I checked the fridge and found we still had a lot of left over chicken from last night and decided on that. I was hungry myself anyways. I warmed up the dogs pieces first before going outside and there he still was sitting on the welcome mat.

I set down the chicken in front of him and he immediately began to chow down. He took the last few pieces running off somewhere and I shut the door. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about how happy he looked when I gave him some food. He must not get a lot of good people crossing his path. I felt bad.

I went back inside to eat and watch whatever was on t.v but I kept thinking back to what my teacher had said. Maybe I should do it...I mean like Ronnie said, it wouldn't hurt to try.


I cleaned around the apartment for a bit. Just as I was finishing up with the dishes, I heard the door unlock and the sound of keys jingling. I turned my head to see my mom in her work uniform and I smiled drying my hands on a towel before going towards her. She had a few grocery bags in her hands which I quickly took for her.

"How was work?" I asked as she sat at the kitchen table with a sigh. She took her hair down running a hand through them.

"Same old situation."

I frowned a bit. My mom works long hours at a clothing factory, feeding the material through a big machine and stapling the tags on afterwards. I've been inside there when she first applied when I was around 6 years old. It was hot in there. They had to wear a certain uniform shirt that wasn't too thick so they wouldn't feel suffocated. She says it's worth it though because of the pay and hours. But I think she just says that so I wouldn't worry as much.

"Well, get some rest. I'll start on dinner." She nodded giving me a smile as she stood up and kissed my forehead. She was a bit shorter than me. My mom walked up the stairs to her room and I began to prep. I checked the time and noticed it was 8:45.

Maybe I should try getting a job. Just to make a little bit of extra income to help my mom. She's barely in her mid 40's and I don't want to see her struggling to make ends meet anymore.

After dinner I got my stuff ready for school and went to bed. I laid there for a bit just thinking of everything. The last thing I thought of was Mr. Cerulli. My face went warm as he came to my mind. Did I like him? Maybe a little...but he's my teacher. He's the only one that's ever been nice to me all these years. He's helped me through my struggles, bullies and my homework when I needed it. I was a mess when it came to art but throughout the years, I started getting better. Mr. Cerulli even said it himself that I have a natural talent, I just needed time to figure it out.

I smiled to myself a bit as I closed my eyes and turned to my side finally drifting off to sleep.

Just a little filler to show just how kind and sweet and shy our little Rick bear is.

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