Lesson 8

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Chris's POV:


It was around 7am when the first bell rang and I was sitting at my desk getting ready for today's lesson in history. Just as I was going through everybody's reports from earlier this week, I heard the sound of a chair squeaking as it was dragging across the floor. I lifted my head to see little Ricky already sitting in his seat by the window in the back. The corners of my lips curled into a small smile as I watched him take out his earbuds and tuck a strand of hair behind his ear.

He looked up at me with a small smile but before I could say anything, a few more students walked in taking their seats. I sighed to myself as the second warning bell rung and stood to my feet ready to shut the door to my class. After shutting the door I went back up to the front to start class.
~after history~

When the bell rung I dismissed my students who were all excited to finally leave. Just as I was about to sit back in my seat, I saw a figure standing in front of my desk. I looked up to see Ricky and I had to hold back a blush.

"Mr. Cerulli? Umm...I know I haven't been doing well in your history class lately. Is there any way you could help me study or give me some extra credit..or something..." He barely whispered the last part. I just wanted to squeal at how adorable this beautiful creature was. It's just not fair!

I cleared my throat, folding my hands together as I gazed up at him.

"Of course Ricky. I'll give you some extra credit. Let me think of something and I'll let you know by art class. Sound good?"

The younger boy quickly nodded his head with a smile and thanked me before exiting my class. After he left I let my head fall into my desk as I let out a groan. This boy is going to be the death of me.

But I'm totally okay with that.

It was almost lunch time and I had just wrapped up my final history class. The students were working on an assignment and talking amongst themselves before the bell finally rung. I dismissed them and they ran out of the room quickly making their way to the cafeteria. I reached down below my desk pulling out my lunch bag deciding to just eat at my desk not really feeling good enough to go to the cafeteria. Just as I took a bite of my sandwich I heard a knock at my door. But before I could finish chewing the door swung open and in came the infamous Ash Costello along with one of her girl friends trailing behind her. I mentally rolled my eyes as I set my food down, the half headed girl immediately hopping on one of the desks in the front row.

"May I help you ladies?" I sighed trying not to sound too mean. Ash beamed a smile but quickly put on a serious face as her legs swung in front of her.

"We heard from another student that someone was about to get their ass kicked in the back of the auditorium."

I raised a brow as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Language, and okay do you know who?" I stood on my feet, brushing some crumbs off my chest.

"Ricky." Her friend chimed in. My eyes grew wide and I slipped off my coat rather quickly before I dashed out of the class leaving the two girls behind.

I quickly made my way to the back of the auditorium looking around to see if anyone was back here but it was completely silent. Walking further into the back, it got dark and I could barely see in front of me.

"Ricky?" I whispered out.


I pulled out my phone using the flashlight to guide my way through the darkness still not seeing a soul or hearing a sound.
What if they were lying? God I swear if they lied to me about something this serious then I'm going to assassinate them! Or just fail them. Whatever comes first.

Class is in session(Cricky/Andley)Where stories live. Discover now