Lesson 12

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Andy's POV:

The weekend came and it felt like I was stuck in the same routine. Wake up, go to work, go home, grade papers, sleep. Over and over and over again, every day for years. Ever since the divorce I've been stuck in this routine in my life, at least with her I had someone to keep me company. Sure I have my cat but I guess I mean physical company. Like someone I can touch and they can touch me. Comfort me, give me shoulder rubs after a long day at work.

It was Saturday afternoon and I had just got done finishing off the rest of my grading. So now I was just sitting on my couch finally able to relax for a bit and watching the same Batman movie for the hundredth time now. As I watched the Joker break into the bank, my phone went off catching me off guard. I don't have many friends that I talk to so getting randomly messaged on a Saturday afternoon was always a surprise.

I picked up my phone to see I got a message from one of my friends CC. I smiled a bit as I opened his message because out of the few friends I do have he was my favorite. He was funny, quick witted and always looked on the bright side. I opened his message which read;

Chuppy: "hey Mr Biersack! Just wanted to know if you're free tonight so we can go party it up at the bar with Pake Jitts. Lmk"

I chuckled lightly at his text and responded;

To Chuppy: "sure, sounds good. Where and what time?"

He texted me back to meet at the bar downtown that we usually would meet at when I was free. They had great food and even greater drinks. He said to meet around 8 o'clock and to "dress to impress". I rolled my eyes at that text as I checked the time to see I still had a few hours to kill before I had to meet with them. It has been a while since I've gone out and dressed up. I've been so busy with work and music that I barely had time for myself.

"Fuck it." I shrugged as I got up from the couch. I made my way up the stairs in my apartment and went into my room going straight to the closet. As I opened the closet I noticed I had only really had professional clothes; button ups, dress pants and shoes, and jackets.

Damn, I really am a loner. My ex pretty much took all of my regular clothes. And by took I mean shredded them all after the divorce. I let out a sigh as I pushed back all of the shirts and jackets hanging in the closet trying to find something decent to wear. I kneeled down digging through some boxes that were buried in the very back of the closet finding random items and junk my ex left behind. I groaned as I pulled out a larger box and opened the top to find some clothes. I pulled out a pair of old black skinnies and smirked as I observed them. It's been a long time since I've worn these. They were kind of faded from wearing them many times with a silver chain hanging from one of the pockets and rips on both knees.

I slung the pants over my shoulder hoping they landed on the bed behind me and continued to rummage through my clothes to find something to go with my pants. I decided on a plain black button up with little silver skulls on the buttons and a pair of black boots decorated with silver buckles.

After I showered I blow dried my hair thinking about how to style it. When I was younger I had hair down past my shoulders. When I left school I decided to cut it because it had gotten disgusting and unmanageable. Now it's fucking luxurious.

When I was done with my hair I checked the time and saw I still had some time to kill. I went downstairs and into the kitchen to grab a water bottle before going into the living room. I flopped onto the couch to continue watching Batman and got lost in the movie. As the movie was ending I checked the time and saw it was almost time for me to go. I turned my t.v off and snatched my keys and wallet from the bowl I had by my front door and locked up before heading out. Since I knew i would be drinking I decided to walk to the bar instead of drive. It was only a 20 minute walk from my house so it wasn't that bad.

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