Lesson 33

251 15 3

A/N: When you see the * start playing the video for a better reading experience(:








Ricky's POV:

Prom was less than a week away. I've been asked a million times by Ash and her friends if I was going and I would always be unsure. Right now that was the topic of conversation as we all sat at lunch just talking. Well, more like they were talking while I was just listening to them blab on about dresses and Johnny Depp for some reason.

"I was gonna ask Nikki but I found out he swings for the other team. But Jeremy is super cute.." Ash giggled along with the girls.

"Jake and I have our third date tonight. Maybe he'll ask me out?" Kaya sighed like she was living a dream.

"I wanna ask Spencer, but how do you ask out a literal God among people?" Dani shrugged.

That's when they looked over at me while I was sipping from my juice pouch so I set it down.

"Uhh.....is Ashley supposed to ask me? I kinda assumed we were already going together."

They all gasped collectively, all I could do is lean back in my seat.

"Ricky, honey, I think it's time we have the talk about the birds and the bees." Kaya sighed as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

Ash and Dani leaned in from across the table.

"Even if you guys are already dating, it's still crucial that he asks you to prom. If he doesn't then it just shows he's not interested in even going with you."

"Plus prom night is the biggest moment in high school that will prove just how stable your relationship will be after graduation."

I took another sip from my juice as they said these things and it made me wonder. I already had plans on going to college to study art, and Ash was going to pursue music. Would we make it that long? Of course I had hope for us, but even after I told him I wanted to go to prom with the girls, he didn't seem that interested in the subject. He's usually good with showing his emotions but lately he's been pretty quiet.

What if he's losing interest in me?

"Well, we've talked about it but he didn't seem very engaged on the topic." I admitted. Dani scrunched up her nose when I said this.

"Dump that loser then."

"Dani, that's your answer for everything." Kaya chuckled. "Anyways, maybe he's just stalling for the right moment to ask. Come dress shopping with us after school!"

I sighed as I picked at my food with my fork. I haven't seen Ashley much today. We usually have lunch together with the girls but today he said he had to stay behind in class to finish some assignment he missed. I'm sure he won't care if I go with the girls so I agreed. Even if I wasn't asked to go with Ashley, I didn't wanna lose an opportunity to hang with the girls after school.

"Sure that sounds good." I smiled.  They all giggled and clapped with each other and went back to talking about prom.

As they talked about dresses, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out to check. I had one message from my mom telling me she'd be late tonight and the other was from Ashley.

Ashley: hey . Meet me in the courtyard right now. We need to talk..."

I felt a lump form in my throat and my stomach dropped. I felt what I felt the day he broke up with me and the girls instantly realized something was wrong. I showed them the message and they agreed to follow close behind me just incase something happened. We got up quickly tossing away our trays and walked outside towards the courtyard. They stayed behind a bit while I looked around for Ashley. I was standing in the middle of the courtyard by the picnic tables and pulled out my phone texting Ashley that I was here. I waited for a few moments just glancing around, even noticing the girls who were hiding behind a bush and I just shrugged at them. After waiting for a few more minutes and checking my phone multiple times, I started considering just leaving. It was embarrassing just standing here with nobody around besides the girls. 

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