Lesson 3

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Andy's POV:

It was lunch time and I was currently sitting at the teachers table in the cafeteria alone. Yeah yeah, I may be a teacher but talking to the other ones still made me socially awkward. I mean, I'm  different from them.  I was bullied growing up and the people I was supposed to depend on for help just ignored my cries for help. So in the end, I dropped out. But after a couple of years I decided to give teaching a chance since I've always been a bright kid. Now I love it, and in going to make sure I'm different from those assholes who never helped me.

I was taking another bite of my of my sandwich when I felt the seat in front of me shift. I lifted my head up to see a teacher I've never really spoken to before. Mr. Cerulli I believe. He smiled politely at me and I just smiled back.

"Hey, I've been teaching here for over 7 years now and I noticed I've never tried to conversate with you. I'm Mr. Cerulli, history and art teacher. But you can call me Chris." He extended his rather long arm out for me to shake his hand which I gladly did.

"I'm Mr. Biersack, but call me Andy." I was a bit taken a back from this sudden contact. I've only spoken to a few teachers and I've never thought to approach one. They all seemed boring and uptight. I've only seen Mr. Cerulli around a few times despite him being here longer. So far he seemed nice.

"So, what do you teach?" He asked before popping open the lid to his salad bowl.

"Uh, I teach math and music."

Chris nodded taking a bite of his salad and I couldn't help but cringe as he did. He raised a nicely drawn on eyebrow at me and I shook my head.

"What? Not a big salad guy?"

I chuckled lightly shaking my head.

"No, it's a long story...but yeah no salads for me. Anyways wow, 7 years huh? How do you do it?"

Before Chris could answer, some students scream and we both turned to see a group forming around a table. Out of instinct Chris and I stood up pushing through the crowd and I wish the earth would just swallow me whole.

Ashley freaking Purdy.

He had a smaller student pinned to the table just smirking and trying to steal a kiss from her The smaller girls face was covered by her long black hair but I could see tears running down her face. I was about to grab Ashley but Chris was quick to do it himself and he practically threw Ashley off of the girl. The cafeteria fell dead silent and the girl immediately pushed through everyone to get away.

Chris chased after her calling out their name and that's when I realized she was a he. Ricky. I was practically fuming as I turned to see Ashley dusting off his pants, his buddies just laughing and patting him on the back.

"Ashley Purdy! Office, now!" I raised my voice loud now. Everyone seemed surprised to see me getting so angry, even Ashley looked a bit shocked. He just shrugged and was about to walk off but I decided to just grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag him there myself.

He was protesting the whole way there and that's when I decided to just drag him into my empty classroom.
There I pushed him inside, closing the door behind us and pointed to the front row.

"Sit!" I shouted sternly and Ashley was quick to follow my instructions. I've never seen Ashley look so vulnerable before, he's usually so cocky and arrogant. But now I was in charge. I leaned my back against the front of my desk removing my coat and rolling up my sleeves showing off my tattooed arms.

"What's with you Purdy? Why do you just love to make other people's lives miserable?" I pinched the bridge of my nose not even wanting to look at the kid. It was quiet for a moment before I heard Ashley shift in his seat.

"We were just fucking around with the kid. It's not what it looked like, I'm not some sick pervert." I looked up at Ashley raising a brow as he said this and he just rolled his eyes.

"Okay maybe I am a pervert, but I can't help it, the kids cute as hell." He mumbled as he leaned back in his seat with his arms folded across his chest. There was no getting through this boy. I let out a loud sigh rubbing my eyes with one hand not wanting to look at him.

"Just get your butt to the office. Please." I went around my desk to take a seat not looking up. I heard Ashley move around and next thing I heard was the sound of feet and the door closing. I peeked up for a bit seeing he was finally gone. Letting out a loud sigh I sat back in my rolling chair looking up at the ceiling.

What is it with Ashley? Is somebody just born a complete asshole? No, I shouldn't say that about him. I'm not going to be the bully, I got this job to make a difference. I wasn't always the best student myself, maybe he has problems at home... I never stopped to think about what if, I just get so annoyed easily. Sometime before the weeks over I'll have to talk to Ashley privately and if he really is struggling I'll help as much as I can. Nobody deserves to suffer, not even jerks like him.

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door and I sat up to see a student I've never seen before. He was tall, lanky, had messy black hair that almost fell over one eye and dressed in a black t-shirt and skinny jeans. He also had a grey backpack hanging off one shoulder.

"Can I help you?" I cleared my throat trying to not seem so stressed. The boy smiled and held up a piece of paper that looked like a schedule.

"Yeah, I'm new and it says here I have your class after lunch." He walked over showing me the schedule and he was right. I read it over and smiled up at him before standing up. His eyes widened, probably because of my height but i was also surprised by his height, he was almost as tall as me. Almost. I held my hand out which I gladly took.

"How do you pronounce your name?" I asked.

"Lonny. Lonny Eagleton."

I nodded and pointed towards the desks telling him he could have a seat anywhere and wait for the next few minutes until lunch period was over. He took a seat in the front which seemed kind of weird. Usually any new students would sit in the back, but Lonny didn't seem like the shy type. He took his bookbag off of his shoulder setting it on his desk before pulling out a notebook and some pens.

I decided to get to work myself and prepare for my next class by getting the lesson plan ready. The rest of the period went on smoothly, everyone was quiet and I discovered just how bright Lonny was. He was kind of awkward but besides that he was a very polite student, always ready to answer any questions. Before I moved on with the lesson, something kept going through my mind. Like something seemed to be missing.

I turned to face the class and scanned it slowly counting each student and that's when I realized that Ashley wasn't here. He must still be in the office. I really hope he didn't skip my class, despite him being a rebellious outlaw, he never skipped my class.

After class was dismissed, Lonny came up to my desk just as every other student had left.

"Thank you for being so nice to me. It seems like the others don't like me, but you make me feel accepted Mr. Biersack." He held onto his notebook tightly against his chest giving me a big smile. I couldn't help but smile back and just nodded.

"Happy to help, if you ever need anything just come to me alright? You're a really smart kid though, you should be fine."

Lonny nodded before leaving my classroom and I followed behind to shut the door. I kept thinking about Ashley, where he could be and if he got in trouble or not. I thought about going to the office to see but I didn't want to seem like a creep or anything. So I just went back to my desk to get ready for my last class which was music. For that I lock up here and head over to the auditorium to set up the instruments. I assigned my students to one assignment and that was to write a song and sing or play it at the Christmas talent show. I only had 6 students in that class since it seems like nobody likes music anymore but I didn't mind at all. The students I have now are so talented and have futures in the music industry.

Now, on with the show.
Oooo, Lonny made his first appearance in a fan fiction of mine! How exciting :D

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