Lesson 22

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☆◇WARNING: this chapter contains acts of domestic violence and other acts of violence. If you are sensitive to this topic just move along please.  Thank you◇☆

~Time skip to 2 months~

Ricky's POV:

Ashley and I have been dating for two months now, and honestly it couldn't be any better. He wasn't ashamed to show me off in public or in school. He'll always hold my hand or have his arms wrapped around me and he'll even kiss me in front of others. It really was my first time ever being with someone who made me feel this way. It was all new to me. One thing I did notice ever since we made our relationship public was the bullying on me stopped. I still got mean looks but the guys who would usually bully me suddenly stopped bothering me. I guess Ashley can be pretty intimidating to others.

What I really liked about Ashley is he never tries to pressure me into having sex or getting intimate in any way. Sure we've had our fair share of rough makeout sessions and fondling, but never anything further than that. I'm still a virgin so I don't just want to give up my first time just to anybody.

"Ricky? We're here."

Ashley's voice sprang me out of my thoughts and I looked to see we were at my house. Since Ashley drives he takes me back home everyday instead of letting me ride the bus. My mom was waiting out front for me which was odd seeing as she hasn't done that in a long time. My mom's been feeling a bit better now ever since the time she was in the hospital and im so grateful for it. But I still keep my eye on her just incase.
I looked over to see Ashley keeping his head down seeming nervous but I placed my hand on his lap giving it a squeeze.

"It's okay, you know she loves you Ash."

"Yeah, I guess I'm just not used to....well, motherly love. But your mom is very sweet." He smiled at me. I smiled back before unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Come on, let's go say hi."

Ashley's POV:

I never thought I would find love in anybody. My whole life has just been a living hell filled with anger, depression and misery. I don't even remember a single happy moment between me and my mother ever since my father passed. Even when I tried to fill the empty void inside of me with being popular at school and sleeping with any bimbo I wanted, I wasn't happy. 

But meeting Ricky changed everything.  It changed my whole perspective on life  and I finally felt like I had true love in my life. Even if I still had a small crush on Andy, I knew Ricky was the one I wanted to be with. And I'm pretty sure he's banging Mr. Cerulli now.

We both got out of the car and almost right away Ricky was engulfed in a hug by his mother. I smiled as I watched the two hug and next thing I know I'm being pulled into a big hug myself.

"Hello Ashley, it's so good to see you! How was school you two?" She asked.

"It was fine, same as always."

"Well that's good to hear, now come inside I have some snacks ready for you both."

Ricky grabbed my hand and we both followed his mom inside their apartment where we were met by Sparrow.  He wagged his fluffy tail as as ran up to me and jumped up wanting me to pick him up. I smiled as I lifted the fluff ball in my arms and was greeted by a lick to my nose.

"He really likes you." Ricky giggled as I set the pup down.

"And I really like him. And you." I winked at the smaller boy who's face went completely pink. He looked so cute when he blushed. Ricky leaned up to kiss me on the cheek and I swear my smile would be the death of me.

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