Lesson 38

308 13 11

Chris's POV:

"Rick? Are you hungry? We can stop by anywhere you'd like for food." 

Currently I was driving from school with Ricky who was sitting quietly in my passenger seat. He hadn't said a word since we left and it was concerning me. 

"No thank you." His voice was barely above a whisper but it was loud enough for me to hear him. 

I decided not to argue with him about it but pulled into a fast food place anyways. Once I parked, I looked over to Ricky who was still looking out of the window seemingly unaware of our surroundings. It hurt me so much to see Ricky  like this...How could Ashley do this? 

"Hey, c'mon Ricky. Let's go inside." I calmly spoke. I slowly reached over hesitating on it, but gently rested my hand on his shoulder. That got his attention because he then looked over at me with those puppy dog eyes and I couldn't help but blush. 

Ricky let out a small breath through his nose before taking off his seatbelt so I did the same and we both got out. I opened the buildings door for Ricky who softly thanked me before walking in. I followed closely behind him and stood next to him when we go to the register. 

"Hey, you're Mr. Cerulli?" I looked up to see the cashier smiling and I recognized him as Lonny, one of mine and Andy's students. The new one. 

"Well hello Mr. Eagleton, fancy running into you here." I smiled in return. 

"Yeah well, not a lot of amazing jobs for a high school student out there. But i'm only gonna be working here for the summer to help my parent's since they own the place." Lonny chuckled. 

"It's okay, you're a brilliant student and i'm sure you'll find yourself in your dream job soon." 

"Thanks, so what can I get for you and...Ricky right?" 

Ricky didn't speak but he managed to give Lonny a small smile and a nod. I guess Lonny caught on so he didn't push Ricky on. I ordered for myself before asking Ricky what he wanted.  He hesitated but finally ordered the same thing I did. I pulled out my wallet handing Lonny the money but he gave me back too much change. 

"Oh, I think you gave me back too much.." 

"I gave you guys my family and friends discount. It's okay, employees get a free meal so no skin off my bone." Lonny winked. I thanked him before leading Ricky over to the tables to wait for our order number to be called out. 

We sat in a pretty awkward silence that felt like forever. Ricky has barely spoke to me or even looked up at me. I understand he's upset, I just wish I could read his mind to know what he's really feeling. I softly tapped on the table with my fingers wishing Ricky would say something to me. I wonder if he thinks this is weird. I opened my mouth finally ready to say something but was stopped when our order number was called out. Hopefully Andy can figure out what happened with Ashley so Ricky can at least feel better. How could Ashley do this to Ricky? After all that he's put this boy through already, he has the audacity to do this to him as well. I thanked Lonny as he handed us our food and I told Ricky we could head out now. He didn't speak but got up to follow me back to my car where I opened the door for him. I handed him the food so I could drive and he rested the bag on his lap. I was hoping he would at least smell the food and feel tempted to eat something. 

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